Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 And that we actually op adopted a b a modern sensible er , reasonable attitude towards all living creatures and that we do today vote to ban fox hunting it is anachronistic as I said earlier , it is not necessary it actually causes harm , not only does it cause harm to foxes , but at least in one case , which is sufficient for me to continue my support for the ban damage to the people in my area .
2 In Harrogate I was to meet my editor for a pep talk .
3 In the meantime , my thirteenth birthday was coming up , and it seemed like a good time to revive my request for the perfect present : a bird of prey .
4 ‘ I am pleased and thankful that the medical practice have sought to accept their responsibility for the oversight as soon as possible . ’
5 Will the Lord President urge the security services to concentrate their search for the alleged theft of information from hon. Members on the organisations that regularly spy on hon. Members , including the organisation that last week published a ludicrous volume full of slanders and innuendos about hon. Members ?
6 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
7 Anne tried to hide her eagerness for the idea .
8 There were reports on June 26 that the Lezghin population of Daghestan ( Russia ) and northern Azerbaijan was threatening civil disobedience to obtain its demand for the creation of a unified Lezghin state .
9 The Development Office set about the business of fundraising and , in November , we were delighted to receive news that The Robertson Trust wished to increase its support for the extension , leaving the University with a fraction of the bill to pay .
10 Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have launched a campaign to persuade the British government to increase its target for the generation of electricity from renewable resources .
11 In a recent review of the national programme , the NCS called for both its sponsors , the Science and Engineering Research Council ( SERC ) and the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) , to increase their support for the technology .
12 As the contribution of Britain to the UNHCR is very much greater than that of France or Germany , will my right hon. Friend encourage our European partners to increase their support for the vital work of refugee relief ?
13 In the first round voters had to indicate their preference for an individual candidate and for a party list .
14 Request : In the guise of pop-group ‘ The Howlers ’ ( ‘ We play loud modern rock music not entirely lacking in melodies ’ ) , we contacted the portly football fan to request his consent for a song ( and concept album ) to be titled ‘ Mad Hattersley 's Tea Party ’ .
15 He was determined to become President in his own right , and he had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office .
16 Armed with papers , his head filled with lists of stockholdings , production figures , statistics of pre- and post-war profits and losses , with preliminary architectural plans for the restoration , first , of the three houses in France , and ideas for those property holdings abroad , Edouard arranged to meet his brother for a week-long series of discussions .
17 ‘ Lady Theodosia , ’ interrupted Aycliffe , ‘ I think you should know that his lordship — Lord Dacre , I mean — went to find your father not only to discover your identity for the purpose of saving your reputation , if he could .
18 Government will work in partnership to secure our heritage for the benefit of future generations .
19 A jury has been told that a woman accused of trying to kill her ex-boyfriend for the insurance money had no motive .
20 Organizations like the R S P C A say they 're disappointed but promise to continue their battle for a scheme to be introduced .
21 By mid-February opponents of the government 's privatization law , narrowly approved by Congress with Colorado support in late September 1991 , had successfully gathered the 12,000 signatures constitutionally required to continue their campaign for a referendum on privatization .
22 Oldham are to continue their search for a replacement for the injured Jon Hallworth after also hearing that any move for Grobbelaar — rated at around £400,000 — would be beset by complications .
23 Following a mailing by Aldus to all registered users of the product an initial public meeting was held in London where over 100 potential members braved the pouring rain to confirm their support for the User Group .
24 Yet the radiant aspect of Chesney Wold as Esther first sees it had only just begun to lose its fascination for the English as the ideal that humbler men might emulate in a reduced form .
25 The National Executive wrote to the four signatories and supporters who were most closely identified with the Petition campaign , Bevan , Strauss , Cdr Young , and W. Bruce , asking them to discontinue their support for the campaign or face expulsion from the Party .
26 ‘ We will want to monitor her health for the next month or two at least before letting her return to England . ’
27 She knew it with the first note she sang , she knew it as she walked jerkily across the stage in a parody of her usual smooth-flowing stride , she knew it as she was forced to search her mind for the next line of a song she knew by heart .
28 While Hibs have the motivation of registering an overdue win over their capital rivals — ‘ every player at Easter Road wants to beat Hearts , ’ said Keith Wright — Hearts need to keep collecting points to sustain their challenge for a place in Europe .
29 The team from Junior Chamber Aberdeen , won £500 and £1,500 of management consultancy from the sponsors to support their plan for a proposed holistic health centre .
30 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
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