Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She cross because she have to come fetch me from the police station .
2 Her mother had tried to force feed her in the past as her doctor had said that Maria had to gain some weight but Maria had only cried and refused to swallow the solid food .
3 A little present , see , to say thank you for the goose . ’
4 ‘ These are from the Northern and Southern Railway Company , ’ he said , ‘ to say thank you for the brave and sensible thing that you did to save the train . ’
5 The aim is to raise money for any former resistance workers who 've fallen on hard times and to say thank you for the help they gave to our servicemen :
6 The aim is to raise money for any former resistance workers who 've fallen on hard times and to say thank you for the help they gave to our servicemen :
7 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
8 MURTON Brass Band has been in existence for more than 100 years and to say thank you to the people of the village who have kept the band going , they are to give a concert at the Victoria Club .
9 was going to say check it in the book but I gave you wrong one .
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