Example sentences of "[to-vb] [det] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Viscount Palmerston had taken over as Prime Minister by then only to lose that position to Lord Derby again but only for a year , as the Liberals were able to take control of Parliament in 1859 , with Viscount Palmerston remaining as Prime Minister until 1865 , during which period many changes took place .
2 I would have like to see some attempt to error-trap the data input routine , but help with record location is good and editing is easy , so reliance on the good sense of the computer operator should be a feasible proposition .
3 The familiar doll-like figure in the engraving ( said to have been taken from a portrait in the possession of Mrs Vial ) is stated by Bracy Clark to bear little resemblance to Vial .
4 The challenge now for the egg industry is to communicate this message to consumers ; to look forward to the 1990s with confidence in the knowledge that its product is the best in the world — not to waste time and money on the constant examination of its collective navel and on cries of ‘ not fair ’ .
5 As we will see , the ability to explain consists of both cognitive and linguistic components : the ability to understand a phenomenon ; and the ability to communicate this understanding to others , usually , but not always , by using terms such as because and so .
6 OCMP group members have 32.7% of the Japanese workstation market which stood at 106,320 shipments last year , and would like to increase this share to 50% .
7 Health information was broadcast by a much-loved Radio Doctor , whose down-to-earth advice always seemed to contain some reference to bowels .
8 Director of Studies : ‘ Do we have to accept this limitation to pencil ? ’
9 ( Bronislaw Geremek of the Democratic Union , whom he had asked on Nov. 8 , had admitted failure on Nov. 13 , and Walesa had been seeking since then to find another alternative to Olszewski — see p. 38586 — reportedly preferring the reappointment of Bielecki . )
10 It hails from a strong mainframe background , which still represents 85% of it sales , though it says it is looking to downsize this commitment to 70% over the next two years .
11 Revision courses are also offered for students studying privately for the Institute of Housing qualification and it is hoped to provide some help to tenants ' groups in the area .
12 Therefore , any form of report which by virtue of the qualifications of the reporter was intended to provide some comfort to readers of accounts would be regarded as a quasi audit report .
13 He 'd once mockingly said that their relationship had been written in the stars ; if it had been then she was going to have to find some way to unwrite it , fast !
14 I would expect the causes to be physical and psychological ; overwork , the ennui of middle age , or a need to find some meaning to existence .
15 It is free to members of the public and had proved popular with other organisations wanting to provide this information to women .
16 So far we 've only touched the basics and , although it 's essential in our view to provide this introduction to kite flying and simple DIY designs , now it is time to get into more advanced material for the modern kite .
17 It was past midnight , so this was the start of Sunday , and Sundays in Taiwan were not going to bear much resemblance to Sundays in the countries she had known so far .
18 The dreams cease to bear much relation to reality , but are so important to both men that they can not be awakened from , controlled or stopped , by anything short of death .
19 The three elements of such a strategy are a remedial programme to bring the general level of primary care up to national standards , a programme to provide such services to people with non-standard needs such as ethnic minorities and the homeless , and the development of an expanded model of primary care .
20 The Treasury had accepted the idea that international facilities are a cost-effective way to support large-scale research , but is has been reluctant to provide financial incentives to attract such facilities to Britain , following the example of France and Switzerland , because of doubts that they contribute to the country 's economic wealth .
21 It is difficult as yet to relate these views to changes in the map of factory employment in Britain ( critical as they are in political economy ) .
22 They are understood by the ability of the imagination ( Rachel 's servant , Bilhah ) to relate these emotions to anticipation of the joys of heaven and pains of hell , and helped by the practice of self-discipline , abstinence and patience in the desires of sensuality ( Zilpah , Leah 's servant ) .
23 The alternative and desired emphasis of policy would be to provide more resources to parents caring for their children at home so that they could do their job better , and to reunite with their parents , wherever possible , those children who have been removed .
24 In 1987 , the staff at Orsay realised the need to provide more help to visitors to ‘ see better the works we were proposing for their viewing , ’ said Francoise LeCoz , director of the multimedia workshop .
25 The Agricultural Society are particularly keen to hear from cycling organisations this year as part of their campaign to encourage more visitors to cycle to the showground .
26 You can imagine my annoyance , then , that a ) there are no fiscal financial incentives whatsoever to encourage more people to cycle , and b ) that my health has to suffer from car-induced pollution although I do not contribute to it myself .
27 In a speech that echoed Norman Tebbit 's infamous call to people to get on their bikes , Roads Minister Robert Key announced a series of measures designed to encourage more people to cycle .
28 The town 's Environment City title is central to the development plan , along with hopes to attract more visitors to Middlesbrough .
29 A new video that 's intended to attract more tourists to Oxford has been condemned by city councillors .
30 The conference was set up to attract more business to north Oxfordshire , where along of the flanks of the M40 empty office space is part of the landscape .
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