Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 US officials were reported to have criticized Aristide for the tone of his speeches which , they claimed , had fomented class hatred [ see below ] .
2 On Aug. 20 , Australia was reported to have stopped supplies for the same reason .
3 Two groups of the extreme left — the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front ( FPMR ) and the Mapu Latero — were reported to have claimed responsibility for the murder .
4 The left-wing Dev Sol group was reported to have claimed responsibility for the fatal wounding in the southern city of Adana on May 23 of Brig. -Gen .
5 Jailed gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray were reputed to have earned £250,000 for the film about their rise and fall .
6 But EP , after a slow start , found their winning ways again with Rushmere and the new-ball pairing of young paceman Rudi Bryson , considered unlucky to have missed selection for the World Cup , and West Indian Eldine Baptiste their most successful performers .
7 We hoped to have made £250 for the Craig Evans Memorial Fund for the young deaf of Worcester .
8 Given that the group is expected to have made profits for the current year , the net assets will be higher than at the last account date and as the company is being purchased on a multiple of earnings we should consider stripping out the excess assets .
9 A method using Solochrome Cyanine R is stated to have shown promise for the control of aluminium residues in the treatment of water with alum .
10 For a Government that claims to have offered choice for the last 13 years , their stance on this issue is odd .
11 It was very kind to have supplied curtains for the stage .
12 CANARY Wharf developer Olympia & York hopes , by the end of the week , to have reached agreement for the payment of the first £40m of its contribution to the extension of the London Underground Jubilee line into Docklands .
13 He says that Churchill had told them they could be proud to have mined coal for the war effort .
14 A tree that 's thought to have provided arrows for the Battle Of Agincourt has been saved from collapse .
15 Held , allowing the appeal , that on its true construction section 87 of the Act of 1985 required that the successor to a tenancy should have resided with the tenant during the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death , but did not require the residence to have taken place for the whole of that period in the premises to which succession was claimed ; and that , accordingly , the defendant was entitled to succeed to his deceased brother 's tenancy ( post , pp. 133B–E , 135C–F ) .
16 This protection for the local authority does not require the residence to have taken place for the whole 12 months in the house to which succession is claimed .
17 When we had just married our only gas consumption was the cooker , but we had a bill which would have enabled us to have cooked meals for the whole of Harrow .
18 We were fortunate to have obtained funding for the project from the Gatsby Trust and from Guy 's Hospital Special Trustees .
19 The government was reported by June only to have initiated proceedings for the extradition of Gustavo Stroessner in compliance with an order for his arrest on corruption charges issued by a criminal court in March .
20 At a time when spelling was so much more fluid , it would have seemed sensible to have changed letters for the sake of legibility . )
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