Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Few disciples followed him , his purist rigour being unsuited to compromise or the political infighting which wracked the sectarian Left .
2 From this joke the seed began to germinate and the whole idea of Norseman Park was formed with CF–DRD as the centre-piece of the whole complex .
3 On the supply side he also accepted the notion that there would exist some relationship between the willingness to work and the real wage rate .
4 Since the Plaza Agreement the US current account deficit had continued to increase and the current account surpluses of West Germany and Japan also continued to rise substantially .
5 Linked by an excellent motorway and railway network Grimsby is extremely easy to find and The National Fishing Heritage Centre is conveniently located near the centre of the town .
6 In the event the Loyal Citizens failed to appear and the only incident occurred when a small group began to sing ‘ God Save the Queen ’ as the demonstrators struck up with ‘ We shall overcome ’ .
7 In Scandinavia , at this time , development was slower , the cities poorer and smaller , universities late to appear and the prime force in life was commercial , seen chiefly in dependence on the Hanseatic League .
8 The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters .
9 Reliable comparative statistics are hard to find but the European Commission has published some figures showing the relative purchasing power of pensions in each of the member states .
10 There would be no financial incentive to visit or the perverse effect of more night visits leading to decreasing rates of payment .
11 Of the three component political groups which had founded the Labour Representation Committee thirty years before , the Marxists had mostly isolated themselves within the Communist Party , the ILP was ready to depart and the Fabian Society was moribund .
12 The woman who came in to clean and the old boy who saw to the garden had been instructed to call him ‘ Mr ’ Lewis and he felt very much the heir .
13 One night Major , Deekie as he was known , came down to inspect and the young chappy who was on guard , he challenged him properly er before he allowed him to advance towards him but after he 'd advanced toward him and he 'd been recognized Major says is the rifle alright ?
14 Much work was needed to bring them up to scratch and the small band worked hard to ready everything for an opening to the public in June .
15 When you do that , a couple of menus appear which lets you choose the utilities you want to install and the hard drive on which to place them .
16 Stiff westerly winds made forward passage difficult , and the little boats had to tack this way and that within the narrow confines of the Strait 's exit , before the funnel began to widen and the open sea to present itself Magellan , now perfectly confident of his discovery , named the waters Estrecho do Todos los Santos — All Saints ' Strait .
17 ‘ If I was Intel and I looked at how many processors I was able to sell and the limited market for the Pentium , initially , I would probably focus on the 486 this year as well . ’
18 It was not possible to confirmthat the immunoreactive signal in serum was due to APGPR but the immunoreactive signal in urine coeluted with synthetic APGPR .
19 I know we as a nation are not renowned for our ability to serve but the general level of indifference , apathy and downright rudeness I encountered made even me , a cynical bastard at the best of times , wince .
20 You can pick the work up and do a bit of it whenever you have a few minutes to spare and the final result is really splendid , whether it is all bejewelled and decorated or made in a simple plain yarn .
21 But there is still a long way to go and the political timebomb is still ticking .
22 There was a good hotel , too , but when I braked to a halt in front of it and suggested stopping there , Ward shook his head , muttering something about our still having two hundred miles to go and the coastal cordillera of the Andes to cross .
23 To get the sledge ready you anchor it firmly ; this is vital because once you have attached your first dog he will start to tow and the whole shooting match will be long gone by the time you get back with your second dog .
24 Nerves were a problem he always found difficult to combat and the full glare of the spotlight made walking and singing a tall order that day .
25 The folk dances and national costumes are a delight to see and the splendid copperware , embroidery and lace make original souvenirs .
26 Now if our estimates , say for the marginal to consume or the incoming elasticity of demand , right if our estimates are based on a regression in which the real or the underlying marginal propensity to consume or income elasticity demand is varying from plus four to minus two , you know , is our point test generate from , from regression analysis they are going to be completely meaningless .
27 Disciplinary action is taken against any pharmacist who fails to comply and the royal society 's inspectors , in their role as enforcers of both the Medicines Act and the profession 's code of standards , visit community pharmacists regularly .
28 The defendant failed to comply and the local authority carried out the requisite works and served two demands , on 31 May 1984 and 25 April 1985 , for the costs .
29 With modern-day technology it is getting harder to achieve all the time , but there is one common denominator in the case of Eric Liddell and Allan Wells , and that is the fierce determination to win and the intense pride of doing it for Scotland .
30 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
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