Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The maintenance of the right of silence in police station interviews — the Commission 's own research showed that this right is little used and has little effect on the decision of the police whether or not to prosecute or on the outcome of the proceedings .
2 Walking or cycling to work or to the station instead of using the car , and exercising the dog regularly ( breathing deeply and keeping a good posture as we walk ) , are ways of incorporating exercise into the normal schedule .
3 ‘ In the west it is the prices which are hard to accept and in the east people are unhappy about unemployment .
4 For drama school it is the first taste of things to come and on the whole a good thing .
5 I believe it can be made to work and with the background of the proposed Amendment and what b can be done by Parliament as a result of that , that can be a sensible way of proceeding .
6 It is a tale full of interest , and it reveals an attitude to work and to the Service that makes pleasant reading ( unhappily some authors give the impression they had a less than fulfilling time while in the RAF ) .
7 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
8 ‘ He had long been in a bad state of health , which he took no care to repair but on the contrary lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him , this brought on the Flux which put a period to his life ’ ( Cook ) .
9 ‘ Maybe there will be someone to fill Lineker 's shoes in years to come but at the moment the replacements must be given a chance to do it in their own time . ’
10 There were many other primitives to come but by the time they arrived I knew it was just an attempt to revive attention .
11 A cheerful , bright , colourful rendezvous , difficult to find but worth the effort .
12 Blue Cheshire is hard to find but worth the search .
13 Quill pens , properly cut and ready to use , are difficult to obtain but worth the trouble if you want to make good ink drawings .
14 … a set of men who live by death and never care to appear but at the End of Man 's Life … their Business is to watch Death , and to furnish out the Funeral Solemnity , with as much pomp and feigned sorrow as the Heirs or Successors of the Deceased chose to purchase : They are a hard-hearted Generation , and require more money than Brains to conduct their Business ; I know no one Qualification peculiarly necessary to them , except that is a steady , demure and melancholy Countenance at Command : I do not know , that they take Apprentices in their Capacity as Undertakers , for they are generally Carpenters , or Herald-Painters besides ; and they only employ , as Journeymen , a set of Men whom they have picked up , possessed of a sober Countenance , and a solemn melancholy Face , whom they pay at so much a Jobb .
15 erm Arthur used to listen and in the end er , I think Johnny went off , you know , satisfied that somebody had listened to him
16 toilet , in Bon 's , in Dan 's loo at Bon 's party cos I 'm going round going oh no no no no I 'll give you a fiver for it I went I really do n't want to sell and in the end like I just said to him look just fuck off , you know cos like he was just persistent
17 If we allow the King 's Cross Railways Bill to proceed and in the end no high-speed link or underground link between Stratford and King 's Cross is built , we shall be left with an enormous white elephant at King 's Cross with no means of getting to it from the channel tunnel .
18 And what 's more , we want to see that ice rink filled because it 's the greatest family sporting entertainment you could ever wish to see and with the crowd behind you it gives you that extra buzz .
19 That 's what it is Martin , confirmation really of what er Mick said to you in that interview , Steve , Tommy two , three but playing at central defence , Dean 'll be the skipper playing in midfield , Michael at the heart of the defence , Phil in midfield , Paul wears seven but will play up front , er Mark at eight in midfield , wears nine , well that 's a bit of nonsense is n't i in terms of numbering , cos he 's gon na play at left back not at centre forward , Gary is ten , Tony eleven , then on the bench , really good to see David and Rod , Bob 's there as well along with er Paul and that 's er possibly a a first chance for the youngster there , and Michael who has been bloodied already but er a little bit of experience in and er the youngsters , and as I say again it 's really good to see and in the number and er I 'm still practising and I shall give you the Pisa team when you return to the er rather sodden Lane with the spectators all huddled towards the back of the stands to get er extra protection from the er rain that 's being swept a on to the stands and er has obliterated the markings on the pitch .
20 Catesby was rapping out orders for us to mount and within the hour we had left St Mary Grace 's , striking east for Canterbury .
21 This year it was Canon Barry 's turn to preach and despite the snow a huge Congregation turned up in Corpus Christi Church .
22 Indeed , to the extent that any such request may represent an unjustified use of scarce resources , it would be unethical for the doctor to comply or for the patient to insist that he does so .
23 It arises from the failure of the lecturer to tell the class in advance what he is to discuss and from the student thus being unable to read in advance the relevant pages in the textbooks .
24 A sergeant with a large area to cover and under the necessity of visiting each constable , which visits have to be duly recorded , becomes testy if one or two of those under his charge are late arriving at certain points on their beats .
25 Suppose , after all , that he had not gone to look and in the morning they had found her stiff and cold in her cot , her eyes glazed and unfocused , her lips blue ?
26 They do n't necessarily need to steal but like the excitement .
27 Brooke J. observed that if such a residual jurisdiction did not exist , then the judges would be left with a duty to perform but without the power to perform it in a way which they considered in all cases to be just .
28 As for amateur dramatics , I prefer to write for others to perform but in the absence of anyone daft — sorry , I mean talented — enough to oblige , I have been known to tread the boards .
29 This study primarily related to stress and to the use of alcohol and illicit drugs .
30 The Bank discusses regularly with each GEMM about the size of transactions in which it is committed to deal and about the risk exposure that it can accept .
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