Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Compensation will not be payable if we are forced to cancel or in any way change your holiday due to war , or threat of war , riots , civil commotion , industrial disputes , disaster , terrorist activities , technical or other problems with transportation , closure of airports or seaports , alteration or cancellation of scheduled services or other events outside our control .
2 So the whole crystal structure tries to contract or in other words the material is under pressure ( see Example 3.2 ) .
3 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
4 Further pressure caused Mariners ' handling to deteriorate and with three penalties successfully kicked by Bannatyne , 'Mere were 13–0 up by halftime .
5 The God who is hidden to sight and beyond human understanding is also the God made manifest in our earthly environment .
6 Ball winners are easier to come across all you need is someone pretty fit , willing to tackle and with reasonable distribution skills : I ca n't name a likely or desirable replacement though .
7 Falcon 3 from Spectrum Holobyte is still the best around for serious sim pilots , Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe from Lucasfilms , and Aces of the Pacific from Dynamix show how good ‘ historic ’ flight sims can be — against this formidable opposition Birds of Prey does not come up to scratch and in open combat would soon become the hunted , rather than the hunter …
8 They were despatched exactly to schedule and from that date further deliveries were also made exactly to programme .
9 There are eight places to visit and at each stop there 's a game to play , a puzzle to solve or an exercise to carry out .
10 The cones are receptive to colour and to higher lighting levels .
11 Those assets certainly would cost money to replace and to that extent their existence means they are worth their replacement cost : without them we would have to incur the replacement cost to retain their services .
12 Oh mother used to go and from different farms you know .
13 Now lastly er just to er just to indicate that virtue has its own reward , there 's the record operating cash generation for you to see and on that note I 'll pass you over to James .
14 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
15 The second is that even if the stockmarket does eventually rise by enough to persuade holders to exercise the warrants , issuers will have to plan and to some extent act as if it will not .
16 He sells lean , versatile cuts that are ready to cook , easy to carve and with little wastage .
17 One is its complexity , both for the authorities to administer and for ordinary people to understand .
18 It was a poor match for the 1,019 crowd to endure and with both sides using the big boot upfield on the sloping pitch , it was n't a game for the purists .
19 An alternative conventional definition of pornography is that it is art designed to excite and to some degree to satisfy sexual arousal .
20 You do not have to be getting income support to apply and in exceptional circumstances they may be given for fuel costs .
21 Anyone wanting to render him into modern English must reckon with the possibility of having to abandon or in some way replace the metre ; and then , where Horatian Latin steps lightly , so lightly , as to the sound of flutes , in comes English with galumphing hoof , trumpeting rhymes .
22 Those who read highbrow papers found their papers no more useful for helping them decide how to vote or for revealing politicians ' personalities , and only a little more useful for explaining political issues .
23 The thermodynamic and psychological arrows of time would not reverse when the universe begins to recontract or inside black holes .
24 Again , she was told to leave and with such venom she recoiled .
25 Recording equipment is becoming lighter , smaller , more portable and simpler to use and with most cameras nowadays you do n't need to use extra lights , provided the room is reasonably bright .
26 It is a worrying time for the Cupertino company , but it probably can come through more or less unscathed , simply because people buy Apple kit not for the underlying technology but for what 's on top of it , so provided a happy marriage can be arranged between the PowerPC hardware and Apple 's software , and the thing ends up looking to the user like a Macintosh that is simply faster , more powerful , more easy to use and in all ways better than the 68040-based models , Apple should be able to scrape through — and there is still a Motorola Inc 68060 in the pipeline that Apple can fall back on if everything in the IBM relationship goes awry .
27 It took Maidstone four hours to decide what to do and during that time he drank only coffee .
28 They were doing in that shop exactly what they intended to do and in all probability , what they intended to do from the moment they got up that morning .
29 for the first thirteen weeks of unemployment people are allowed to look for jobs that they want to do or are skilled or experienced to do but after thirteen weeks they will be compelled to take any job that comes along .
30 A power for nobody to determine or for one party only to be able to determine is inconsistent with the concept of a term from year to year : see Warner v. Browne , 8 East 165 and Cheshire Lines Committee v. Lewis & Co . ,
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