Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun prp] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rohmer tried to hit Cardiff in the face with his other free fist , but Cardiff was expecting it .
2 Strange to see Swindon in the snow and Sweden in bright sunshine .
3 In the August 1949 election the German people favoured the CDU ( 31 per cent ) over the SPD ( 29 per cent ) , and other parties too proved willing to support Adenauer for the Chancellorship .
4 The Senegalese Armed Forces Chief of Staff , Gen. Mamadou Mansour Seck , had gone to see Taylor about the incident , accompanied by Maj.-Gen.
5 Loretta decided she would have to abandon her attempt to see Veronica for the rest of the day .
6 Still fastening buttons , she hobbled to the door in time to see Travis down the beach , waving his hands to attract its attention .
7 I really do n't know , and the man certainly was n't telling , whether he had any hard evidence at all to connect Jefferson with the theft , if it was a theft , of candles from the Cathedral .
8 It is only now , almost five years after the fact , that the US press corps and America 's allies are beginning to see Gramm-Rudman-Hollings for the hoax that it is .
9 Opposition to the king 's favourite was so soon mobilized that by May 1308 Edward was compelled to banish Gaveston from the realm .
10 Yang was the first Chinese head of state to tour Indonesia since the visit of Liu Shaoqi in 1963 .
11 I hoped to catch Toby in the Press tent — a good bet since he kept his appearances on the course itself down to the minimum , on the grounds that his editor was not interested in golf but only in scandals that might be unearthed or invented .
12 It became obvious as soon as Annunziata handed round the soup tureen that Comfort was deliberately trying to exclude David from the conversation and show him how de trop he was .
13 In what appears to have been a carefully stage-managed cry of unanimity , it was agreed that Edward should never rule over them again , and the Bishop of Hereford took a delegation which was headed by William Trussell to Renilworth to inform Edward of the assembly 's decision .
14 In himself , Couples has the potential to displace Borg at the top of the pyramid of Great Baffled Victims of Success .
15 MacLean later took the unusual step of amending his original statement to parliament , describing BNFL 's failure to inform Cunningham of the leak as " a rather extraordinary discourtesy " .
16 Cricket now , and while England are getting ready to meet Pakistan in the final of the World Cup , there 's another piece of sporting history being made over in South Africa.Worcestershire 's players are preparing for the first of a five match series there , to help the country back from years of sporting isolation .
17 If we 're finally able to exclude Burrows from this tangle , and all my instincts tell me he 's not involved , then we shall have to start looking for a compelling reason for one of those people to smash Wetherby over the head with a statuette . ’
18 Benedicta , before we go on to meet Simon in the Fleet prison , there are certain enquiries to make .
19 The display is now set to tour Scotland for the remainder of the centenary year , taking in several locations which have strong MacDiarmid associations — Langholm , where he was born ; Montrose where his masterpiece A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle was composed ; and Lanark , close to Brownsbank where he spent the later years of his life .
20 In the afternoon she had to trust Ruth on the way home .
21 Who was waiting to meet Karen on the night of November 13th , 1974 ?
22 When Rose suggested that they write to Luke to ask him to meet Maggie off the train when she got to London Moran was furious .
23 Lisa came back downstairs again after bidding her goodnight to find Alexander in the drawing-room , pouring them each a brandy .
24 Our efforts to provide Cuba with the petroleum products it needed put a heavy burden on our own shipping system and forced us to order extra tankers from Italy .
25 Edward began by attempting to exclude Stratford from the assembly , but failed in the face of support for the archbishop from the Earl of Arundel , Earl Warenne , and other lay magnates who shared their suspicion of those round the king .
26 Since our history books are still largely written from the liberal side we are amazed to find Wordsworth on the side of the aristocracy and against the rising hopes of the people ; as he himself put it : ‘ I can not but be of opinion that the feudal power yet surviving in England is eminently serviceable in counteracting the popular tendency to reform . ’
27 He therefore called on the other three republics to accept Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union in this regard , and to delegate it to represent them over the START treaty and future negotiations .
28 But , and a squeak from being caught , Phillis in the kitchen , she could only agree , to meet Rab in the corner pub .
29 Neighbours called the fire brigade , who battled through thick smoke to find Sam behind the fridge in the kitchen .
30 People refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah and as a result they rejected his authority ( Mark 2:7 , 20 ; 3:22 ; 14:10–11 , 21 ; Matt.
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