Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] in the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Yet saying aloud to each other 's face , ‘ We do n't want to remain together in the next life ’ would amount to saying , ‘ No love ever existed between us , and no love exists between us now . ’
2 Accordingly , when power-looms worked by women began to appear early in the nineteenth century it " set women against women , especially young women working in the shops or mills against older married women working at home " .
3 ‘ I did n't ask you to come here in the first place , and I certainly did n't ask for your help out here .
4 The possibility of getting that accommodation encourages many refugees to come here in the first place .
5 Mr Taylor and Rick Parry , the Premier League chief executive , who spent much of the weekend trying to thrash out an agreement on the telephone , are likely to meet again in the next 48 hours .
6 David Atkinson , an analyst at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo , notes that the banks ' operating profitability began to deteriorate again in the second half of the last fiscal year .
7 But if more deaths among the female goats resulted from the aberrant male breeding behaviour in this population , what caused them to behave so in the first place ?
8 M F I traditionally has a stronger second half cash flow and net borrowings are expected to fall further in the second half of the year .
9 It could also tie up members of the C E C , the General Secretary , the Regional Secretary , the President , Officers and many others in internal wrangles new union just at the time when we need to look outward in the next two or three years .
10 ‘ There is a big opportunity for our young players to play regularly in the first eleven .
11 Smith added : ‘ We did n't plan for a start like that , but it helped us to play well in the first half .
12 But there was a limit beyond which the furtherance of working-class interests conflicted with the national interest ; few were prepared to advance there in the first two years of the war .
13 With the wisdom of hindsight it is easy to say that they should not have tried to raid there in the first place , but success had bred a certain arrogance .
14 The need to deal effectively in the first instance in communications with Council Tax payers , both face to face and in writing , and hence the seniority of staff required for this purpose .
15 Critics believe there 'd be no need to build such expensive treatment plants to extract nitrates if farmers were given incentives to use less in the first place .
16 So , although the Bolsheviks did not start the inflationary process , they were unable to stop it either , despite their wish to do so in the first few months of Soviet rule .
17 Although Computing Science ( or Computer Science ) as a field has changed dramatically in the last ten years and will continue to do so in the next ten , I do not believe its boundaries have altered significantly .
18 With an interval lead , ‘ Mill were in a strong position to dictate the pattern of play , but Hammer refused to submit easily in the second half .
19 up and call me now A little music as well we have on the show we have a video from Elvis to give away in the second half of the programme and star guest this afternoon is Mary Whitehouse .
20 Because it is hard to expel asylum-seekers once they have arrived , potential host countries make it difficult for refugees to leave home in the first place .
21 The number 1 seed played to form again in the second leg as it moved to Coventry .
22 The room should be very warm and draught-free ; chilled muscles contract , causing a release of adrenalin — something you are trying to soothe away in the first place .
23 In families where the mother tended to intervene often in the first observation period , the children did have longer quarrels and more frequent physical fights in the second observation period ( six months later ) than in families where she intervened less .
24 UK Life operations continued to perform well in the first three months of the year .
25 The prosperity of Cadiz , based on the American trade , was to decline sharply in the nineteenth century and allow Barcelona to take over its position as the exemplar of middle-class civilization , although it was never to replace the Andalusian towns as nurseries of liberal politicians .
26 The quote also covers a Video Projector ( Sharp XV730H ) which Scotia are proposing to demonstrate here in the next week or so .
27 Anderton scored in the 26th minute after Barmby had headed Neil Ruddock 's cross back across the goal , delivered the corner that Teddy Sheringham converted after 44 minutes and then crossed for Barmby to score late in the first half .
28 The picaresque vitality of Richardson 's novel begins to wane early in the third volume ( a frequent fate of follow-ups ) and , as a theatre audience does not have the opportunity to plough through stodgy bits in their own time , we felt it made for better drama to kill Pamela ( in the novel she comes near to death ) before the dramatic conflict itself dies .
29 Anyway , if I could just erm describe how I managed to get there in the first place , which was all a matter of luck I suppose as much as anything erm I went to the East Anglian schools for erm blind and deaf children at Gorleston on Sea from nineteen twenty eight to nineteen thirty six , erm , in those days erm education for the er disabled er continued until sixteen .
30 erm towards the end of the century it was just about possible for middle class girls , or a few middle class girls to get a reasonable academic education at one of the G P D S schools — we 've got one in Hove , you know the girls ' public day school trust foundations — but only very few went there and got what would be equivalent now to a kind of secondary education and a very , very , very , very tiny minority of those girls could go on to university if they faced an enormous amount of opposition when they got there and also to get there in the first place , but for most girls there was only a basic elementary education , which increasingly stressed the sort of domestic side of a girl 's vocation .
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