Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 the rocket was projected up to a considerable height and directed to fall somewhere in the London area .
2 The costs of such systems are extremely variable , but are likely to fall somewhere in the regions of :
3 Now this is and I must admit when he pulled the trigger then I thought that was going to go right in the back of the net .
4 Lord Callaghan , then Labour 's foreign affairs spokesman , recently recalled that the party 's decision was to allow Mr Heath ‘ to swing slowly in the wind ’ .
5 For all the world as if she and Miss Beard were ladies of quality , he ceremoniously handed them into the carriage , the two of them to sit together in the back , while Herbert Fraser sat beside Sean in the front .
6 Apparently he thought that she and Mitch would get into no end of mischief if they were allowed to sit together in the back .
7 Hilton tells him to wait patiently in the darkness and acclimatise himself to this new existence , stripped of all the things that had made life worthwhile before .
8 Usually , carrying out a search creates a new list of files , but you can choose either to add to the list found so far , or to search only in the list that has already been selected .
9 Though the number of Russian diplomatic missions abroad tended to fall somewhat in the decades which followed his death — there were nineteen in 1779 and ( largely for reasons of economy ) only fourteen in 1800 — the country did not relapse into the isolation of the seventeenth century .
10 A meeting of all the tourists would be summoned straightaway ( Ashenden felt a pair of unblinking blue eyes upon him ) — summoned to meet somewhere in the hotel ( the Manager nodded again — the St John 's Suite was free ) , and Morse himself would then address the group and tell them as much or as little as he wanted to tell them , believing , he admitted , that Rumour had probably lost little of her sprinting speed since Virgil 's time , and that most of the tourists already had a pretty good idea of what had happened .
11 These include the origins , institutions , policies and implications for business of the EC and the development of the ability to communicate effectively in the language of another member state of the EC .
12 These take into account all the aspects of skill and knowledge needed by an individual to work effectively in the industry .
13 When this bout of unemployment is over , or when unemployment is declining , we must avoid children leaving school with no idea of the skills that they will need to work properly in the jobs that they will want , and in the jobs that will be available .
14 The major difficulty is to find somewhere in the Middle Last in which seclusion and moderate comfort can be combined .
15 You are unlikely to find much in the way of sheltered housing or retirement home developments in France .
16 He asked Americans to pull together in the name of patriotism .
17 This is unlikely to provide much in the way of musical experience or opportunity , but its requirement demands an investment of previous time .
18 A lot of people say , ‘ How on earth can you manage to work together in the theatre , and then come home and be together , too ? ’
19 It is also important that my dogs and my ferrets get to know each other long before they are required to work together in the field .
20 To symbolise their commitment to work together in the future , they will read together an extract from the Swanwick Declaration .
21 Thereafter , there will be a brief entertainment – coffee – and an opportunity to meet together in the Undercroft .
22 Some of the other men are allowed to work outside in the grounds of the prison , as you wilt see .
23 In freedom , he managed to hide away in the wilds and educate himself .
24 There was a tendency in the later Greek world or in Merovingian Gaul and Anglo-Saxon or Norman England for the name of the moneyer or responsible official to appear prominently in the legend .
25 Sarah told her that John was so discouraged by his failure to find work that he had decided to try elsewhere in the country .
26 Apparently , they are happy for the people of Newham — and the Somali refugees — to stand outside in the rain .
27 Other children were left to wander home in the dark .
28 The use of acrylic colours in my palette allows me in all aspects of landscape painting to correct and add light ; in fact it enables me to work more in the manner of an oil painter .
29 The therapist also suggested that Pamela should tell her parents more about what she was doing ; for example , what time she planned to come home in the evening .
30 ‘ But I 'll be able to come home in the evenings and you can teach me the things I need to know , ’ said Endill .
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