Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On April 8 a representative of the Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ) said in Nairobi that ceasefire negotiations were to continue regardless of an incident that day when USC members clashed with forces of the SPM and of the Somali Salvation Democratic Front ( SSDF ) at Afgoye , 30 km west of Mogadishu , the capital .
2 It is the will to work together of the people involved that produces curriculum benefits .
3 In practical terms , programme makers increasingly fretted that , in a system now producing many hours of television , it was virtually impossible to work independently of the BBC or an ITV company .
4 Reform tends now to be seen not as treatment which is imagined to work independently of the will of the offender , but as measures which enable or assist rather than force offenders to improve their behaviour — or , in Norval Morris ' terms , ‘ facilitated change ’ rather than ‘ coerced cure ’ ( Morris , 1974 : 13–20 ) .
5 In the case of real assets , the expected return may be less certain ( i.e. riskier ) but potentially greater as , for example , if property values are expected to soar ahead of the rate of inflation .
6 Knighton declined to comment ahead of the talks with Edwards , but it seems he is keen at all costs to avoid a court case .
7 Yet Labour still ca n't seem to pull ahead of the Tories !
8 Some of the speculations have been extremely silly — and this is not to talk solely of the outpourings of the more sensationalist flying-saucer fans and their ‘ little green men ’ .
9 ‘ You 've a right to expect better of the Church than that , ’ said Mrs Yaxlee self-righteously .
10 Our marketing spend reflects our confidence that the brand will continue to grow ahead of the market . ’
11 This process teaches the child what to do instead of the tantrum — that is , it teaches him or her a socially acceptable behaviour .
12 The Americans wanted the greatest possible acceleration of weapon production on behalf of the Atlantic Alliance in order to keep ahead of the Russians , but they insisted on two principles : first , that production and storage facilities should be located with due regard to strategic considerations , and that meant location in North America with minimum holdings in Europe ; and second , that there should be co-ordination of the American and British programmes to make best use of available expertise and resources , including exchange of scientists .
13 Auspex says it needed to boost the power to keep ahead of the demand of the latest high-powered workstations , such as the HP 9000/730 and Sun 's Sparcstation 10s .
14 There is nothing alarming or unusual about methodological problems ; all sciences have them and it is quite common for the questions that people ask to run ahead of the techniques available for answering them .
15 Learn to study ahead of the lectures by using the techniques of chapter 4 in the section on Key words and Pattern of notes and by drawing pattern diagrams for two topics soon to come up in the lecture programme .
16 On this issue — it should be noted — it had been Churchill rather than Eden who had been tempted to proceed independently of the United States .
17 circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms .
18 … The common ordinary mind is quite unfit to fix for itself what political question it shall attend to ; it is as much as it can do to judge decently of the questions which drift down to it , and are brought before it …
19 For an object to exist in an ontological sense is to exist in its own right and not merely as an object of thought , but it is not to exist independently of the conditions under which it may be thought of and identifyingly referred to as that particular object and no other .
20 In the end it was Edwards who arrived at Metropole corner first on the last lap , and held his advantage to finish ahead of the maestro .
21 Most athletes win honestly , but some will do anything to finish ahead of the pack , even using illegal drugs .
22 We usually ask them to arrive ahead of the rest so that we can see them safely settled before the rush starts . ’
23 When a [ makonde ] sculptor departs from the stereotype [ … $ this is nearly always because an element of doubt or defiance has been worked into it ; a madonna is given a demon to hold instead of the Christ Child ; a priest is represented with the feet of a wild animal , a pietà becomes a study not of sorrow but of revenge , with the mother raising a spear over the body of her dead son .
24 We therefore regret that your goods will probably take six weeks to arrive instead of a month .
25 A glance at Luke obviously caused Florian to think better of the quip she could see hovering on his lips .
26 They climbed down and stood together in the darkness , Bathsheba seeming to think only of the storm , Gabriel thinking only of her .
27 trying to think only of the shore of my bed
28 Some aspects of shared planning are valuable enough to survive regardless of the competition for school admissions .
29 Our language can never be entirely value free but when you speak or write you need to think carefully of the effect it is having on others .
30 To get ahead of the teams and join them halfway up the 12,000 foot mountain , Fusil flew a few journalists over the forest canopy just a few feet above the top of the trees .
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