Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Knighton declined to comment ahead of the talks with Edwards , but it seems he is keen at all costs to avoid a court case .
2 Yet Labour still ca n't seem to pull ahead of the Tories !
3 Some of the speculations have been extremely silly — and this is not to talk solely of the outpourings of the more sensationalist flying-saucer fans and their ‘ little green men ’ .
4 The Americans wanted the greatest possible acceleration of weapon production on behalf of the Atlantic Alliance in order to keep ahead of the Russians , but they insisted on two principles : first , that production and storage facilities should be located with due regard to strategic considerations , and that meant location in North America with minimum holdings in Europe ; and second , that there should be co-ordination of the American and British programmes to make best use of available expertise and resources , including exchange of scientists .
5 There is nothing alarming or unusual about methodological problems ; all sciences have them and it is quite common for the questions that people ask to run ahead of the techniques available for answering them .
6 Learn to study ahead of the lectures by using the techniques of chapter 4 in the section on Key words and Pattern of notes and by drawing pattern diagrams for two topics soon to come up in the lecture programme .
7 … The common ordinary mind is quite unfit to fix for itself what political question it shall attend to ; it is as much as it can do to judge decently of the questions which drift down to it , and are brought before it …
8 For an object to exist in an ontological sense is to exist in its own right and not merely as an object of thought , but it is not to exist independently of the conditions under which it may be thought of and identifyingly referred to as that particular object and no other .
9 To get ahead of the teams and join them halfway up the 12,000 foot mountain , Fusil flew a few journalists over the forest canopy just a few feet above the top of the trees .
10 In his later writings , it is argued , Marx reveals far more concern for the political level of society and the freedom for human beings to act independently of the laws of motion of capitalism as a system of economic production .
11 Cholera reduced heartbeat and caused muscular spasm similar to rigor mortis ; anxiety to dispose quickly of the victims ’ bodies led to gruesome errors .
12 Developments of this kind were obviously worrying to the Soviet leadership , which began to speak openly of the dangers of ‘ internal counter-revolution ’ .
13 To say Where ? " was bad enough , but to speak openly of the wires — that was intolerable .
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