Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Instead it involves a shift in function in an interactional category , and it is exactly here — in the interactions between individuals — that we would expect to see most clearly the results of inter-ethnic contact .
2 It was a considerable achievement for a society to pour so much milk , so much orange juice , so many vitamins down the throats of its children , for the height and weight of those children to outstrip so fast the measurements of only a decade before .
3 The style was Gothic and followed ‘ the best traditions of mediaeval church architecture , but to meet more advantageously the requirements of Protestant worship the nave is kept broader and shorter ’ .
4 Now , ’ Thiercelin took out notebook and pencil , ‘ just as a matter of routine , might I ask you to relate once again the circumstances of Herr Hamnett 's business with you ? ’
5 So I think your point is in effect met , but we have to observe very properly the requirements of the law .
6 In my view , the value of research is that it can help teachers to define more clearly the problems that they themselves must solve .
7 One of the effects of the Contagious Diseases Acts was to define more sharply the categories of acceptable social and sexual behaviour .
8 In order to evaluate more critically the proposals for budget and management reform outlined in chapters 4 and 7 , it is important to remember that accounting information is very much a product of the public sector infrastructure .
9 It also stated that ‘ 90 per cent of the respondents indicated that their experience in the programme had helped them to see more clearly the forces at work in their lives and had in fact helped them to take more control over their lives ’ .
10 The limitations of this view of the policy-making process will be explored , but first there is a need to identify more explicitly the institutions of government to which such an analysis must relate .
11 Here again I learnt to admire and like these people , with whom I had been so recently at war , and to see clearly both the differences and the similarities between people of different nationalities and the fantastic ability of people to respond to leadership tuned to their needs .
12 Spinoza harks back to ancient philosophy , and away from the Christian tradition , in seeing the virtues which ethics seeks to inculcate as essentially the qualities we require if we are to have personally fulfilled lives .
13 AT THAT difficult and defiant age of 19 , it is perhaps quite extraordinary that The Prayer Boat have chosen to study so closely the catalogues of The Waterboys and Van Morrison — old men , of their fathers ' generation .
14 Some of the words did not even make sense to her but , through the confusion , she 'd been able to salvage enough to piece together roughly the contents .
15 When auditing meta-procedures , if the overall exercise revealed failings , these lower-order activities would also need monitoring to determine more precisely the reasons for this failure .
16 It needs to understand more deeply the issues that confront the peoples of Asia .
17 This would have the benefit of forcing the courts to articulate more openly the premises on which they are reasoning .
18 While most eighteenth-century beaux were obviously not disposed to live within their income and affected a bland indifference to the need to manage their personal finances , the tradesmen , the creditors on whose forbearance their insouciance depended , were campaigning against any legislation which seemed to reduce any further the chances of recovering what was owed them .
19 The follow-up work carried out after the FAOR study involved an extensive fact-finding exercise , where a number of parallel investigations of real-world activity were undertaken to consider more precisely the effects of the proposed changes , in terms of data quantities , costs , staffing implications , and technical feasibility .
20 As Pip cared not to question too closely the sources of his own endowment .
21 Basic literacy , which was all that was aimed at , would allow the people to grasp more easily the intentions of the ruler and thus ensure their more effective cooperation in his policies .
22 Technology , too , had reached a point where Producers , working in electronic studio environments , needed to fear no longer the pitfalls of live television .
23 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
24 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
25 His competitors , in turn , once they become aware of what they are competing against , are forced to sweeten still further the opportunities they make available to the market ; and so on .
26 Schopf ( 1974 ) and Simberloff ( 1974 ) have demonstrated that diversity changes of marine invertebrates across the Permian-Triassic boundary correlate closely with areas of epicontinental sea , in fact seem to obey rather well the ecologists ' well known ‘ species-area ’ relationship .
27 It was the trading contacts that he had established in Spain which enabled his firm , after his death , to exploit so efficiently the opportunities afforded in South America after its liberation from Spanish control .
28 In Sweden , again , there was a series of efforts during the eighteenth century to regulate more rationally the salaries paid to different ranks of diplomat , though there as elsewhere it was easier to do this than to pay the salaries regularly .
29 These are matters to which we must return , but first we need to examine more closely the trends and patterns of overseas trade .
30 It is appropriate therefore to examine more fully the pressures or tensions that the professional librarian is faced with in questions of censorship , and to look for their resolution in terms of the Code of Professional Conduct .
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