Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead it involves a shift in function in an interactional category , and it is exactly here — in the interactions between individuals — that we would expect to see most clearly the results of inter-ethnic contact .
2 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
3 It was a considerable achievement for a society to pour so much milk , so much orange juice , so many vitamins down the throats of its children , for the height and weight of those children to outstrip so fast the measurements of only a decade before .
4 The style was Gothic and followed ‘ the best traditions of mediaeval church architecture , but to meet more advantageously the requirements of Protestant worship the nave is kept broader and shorter ’ .
5 Now , ’ Thiercelin took out notebook and pencil , ‘ just as a matter of routine , might I ask you to relate once again the circumstances of Herr Hamnett 's business with you ? ’
6 The current moves to encourage still further the provision of private occupational-pensions in preference to state schemes may serve only to emphasize the inequalities between some elderly people who are supported by one or even two occupational pensions , and those , particularly widows , who have only their state pension .
7 In this chapter , the discussion is concerned with how the Government 's privatization measures , together with the sale of council houses and the change in the relative prices of different forms of capital assets , interact to isolate still further the underclass .
8 Our Bills are all of a part with those objectives praised by my hon. Friends the Members for Elmet ( Mr. Batiste ) and for Saffron Walden ( Mr. Haselhurst ) — the drive to get better standards back into our education system , to increase yet further the participation of our young people , and to match the quality of education and training provided by our competitors abroad .
9 He also seems to this reviewer to accept too readily the authenticity of certain pieces ( most notably no. 27 , Imitator of Desiderio da Settignano , Virgin and Child ) , and a maddening feature is his habit of quoting inventory numbers rather than published sources for comparable pieces in other museums , which gives the impression that these comparanda have not been published .
10 The first is whether we tend to accept too readily the veracity and accuracy of media reports .
11 So I think your point is in effect met , but we have to observe very properly the requirements of the law .
12 What had happened to destroy so utterly the Paradise Restored of Thomas Baskerville , the neat town of Celia Fiennes , the exquisite spot of Charles Deering , to destroy it in the short space of three generations ?
13 In April , Freddie Laker himself came to lunch on Branson 's boat , to recount once again the story of his own downfall for the benefit of his would-be successor .
14 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
15 In my view , the value of research is that it can help teachers to define more clearly the problems that they themselves must solve .
16 The major inhibiting factor , referred to elsewhere in this text , is the lack of political will to reform the general framework of financial management , and to define more clearly the scope of programme objectives .
17 On the other side , however , we need to consider how such ideas in turn affect political life ; how the analyses and interpretations provided by political scientists enter into the struggles between different interest groups , and either help to define more clearly the nature of the conflicting interests or claim to discover ways of reconciling them .
18 To define more precisely the interaction between HT-29 cells and extracellular matrix components , we tested the effect of added antibodies against different integrin chains .
19 Measurement of gastric mucosal leukotrienes in humans after acute dosing with indomethacin and other NSAIDs and investigation of the effects of other inhibitors of 5 lipoxygenase will be necessary to define more precisely the role of leukotrienes in mucosal injury related to NSAIDs .
20 One of the effects of the Contagious Diseases Acts was to define more sharply the categories of acceptable social and sexual behaviour .
21 Canada 's hospitals say the national health system must be radically reformed to restrict more severely the core list of essential services covered by Medicare .
22 The overall effect has again been to widen still further the gap in living standards between those at either end of the income scale , and to expose still further the underclass , who benefit least from tax welfare .
23 It is worth noting that such important modern choreographers as Kurt Jooss and Martha Graham and the leader of the Dance Theatre of Harlem , George Mitchell , insisted that their dancershave knowledge of some school of classical technique , to which they added other exercises to develop the flexibility of their dancers ' bodies , athletic qualities and an ability to explore more thoroughly the space around them in all its dimensions .
24 Examples of assessment tasks accompanying the criterion statements may help to pinpoint more precisely the domain referred to in a criterion statement .
25 In order to evaluate more critically the proposals for budget and management reform outlined in chapters 4 and 7 , it is important to remember that accounting information is very much a product of the public sector infrastructure .
26 WWF says the change was made ‘ to reflect more accurately the conservation work it does ’ .
27 He also suggested that he would seek to change school textbooks in order to reflect more accurately the brutality and aggression displayed by the Japanese military before 1945 .
28 The reductions in university places introduced by the Conservative government in the early 1980s are likely to widen even further the gap between the higher and the lower socio-economic groups among the student population .
29 It is possible to define quite accurately the fraction of the time that the motion is turbulent .
30 Similarly , the energy at sites may interact with certain individuals to create altered states of consciousness , which enables them to see more easily the variety of legendary entities which traditionally inhabit such locations .
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