Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would n't like to go so far as to predict anything for Sunday but you can be certain I am far more confident about the race now than I was .
2 But one does not have to go so far as to support child benefit for the qualitative demographic effect it may or may not have .
3 Many congratulations and a warm welcome should be given to Dorling Kindersley , the first general publisher to recognise that there is ELT potential in its list and to go so far as to publish an ELT catalogue .
4 However , contributors to the Review were largely unwilling to go so far as to attempt to specify the nature of artistic quality in general , despite the fact that their own capacity to decide which texts were of sufficient interest in themselves to justify study depended upon recognizing such quality .
5 ‘ I am not myself convinced that the Government will be so foolish as to go so far as to privatise water .
6 He was even prepared to go so far as to admit that monotony was the most comfortable way .
7 You might , for instance have to alter the way the murder you had in mind is committed or you might have to go so far as to alter the motive of the murderer or even find a completely different person to commit the central action .
8 The text for the first term 's production will usually be selected for the purpose of getting a new group to work together rather than trying to go for detailed individual performances .
9 As regards the timing of the announcement , the Directors , in consultation with Unions and personnel professionals , decided that those affected would want to know immediately rather than wait until after the Christmas holiday to be told .
10 They were not so much intelligent as shrewd — their organizational sense enabled them to sniff out the golden chance and grasp it firmly , it enabled them to strain forward rather than stand back waiting passively to be asked .
11 When is it more important to go backwards fast than to go accurately under control ?
12 The better-known Cabinet Ministers moved in a stately fashion as if speed of foot might trample accidentally a party worker bent upon homage ; better to tread slowly so as to receive fittingly the admiration of many .
13 The association of thrust faulting on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau with normal faulting in its highest regions has been interpreted as suggesting that it has attained its maximum elevation , and that consequently it is tending to grow outwards rather than increase in altitude .
14 The last two examples , I 'm actually going to ask you to do tonight rather than keep you here this evening .
15 There is little doubt that Hamer have achieved what they set out to do as far as producing great vintage guitar tones from contemporary instruments .
16 Such an equivalence suggests , perhaps wrongly , that most candidates in comprehensive schools will be expected to do no better than score an F or a G in their GCSE .
17 The CNAA 's ideas were taking a different shape in 1975 , showing an unwillingness to go as far as delegating authority for the approval of courses , but pursuing the idea of ‘ internal validation ’ .
18 The most important item lacking was a turntable , which was needed so that Bishop 's Castle locomotives could work chimney first both up and down the line — an important safety consideration for passenger traffic as the engines would have been likely to run more steadily when going forward .
19 He recounted all this without any anger or bitterness , but as he got up from his chair to go to the kitchen I had to turn away rather than watch him move around his flat as though he were still hampered by chains .
20 Lord Young has had to battle hard ever since to defend both his original deferment of publication and his decision to stand fast despite the leak .
21 " He summoned a meeting , where a simple plan was very simply found : since they had nothing left but their lives and their bodies , they chose to die nobly rather than to betray and abandon their king " .
22 To partake in that utterance must demand superhuman courage , courage from the divine , an ability to think so intensely as to die even from pure thought — to die a death ordained , not for self-glorification , a significant and saving death .
23 Calm water : Mushroom anemones seem to fare much better if placed in quiet areas of the tank , where the current is n't strong enough to actually move the disc of the polyp .
24 After discussions between Bond , the Shrewsbury board and Burnley police , he agreed to stay away rather than run the risk of provoking incidents on the terraces .
25 You may well decide to twist even further when using the front punch , but beware that your situation is weakened should the opponent immediately counter — attack .
26 The database administrator has to think very carefully when setting up numerous lists as to whether their use will justify the overheads .
27 Narrowly dyadic relationships of this kind show no tendency to proliferate outwards so as to form a wider network , and , since they are usually short-lived , anthropologists have not often given them much attention .
28 Thus , she has been able to move steadily rightwards while maintaining old links .
29 We have to view a stimulus for a finite time before it generates a perception , but that perception appears to us to occur instantaneously rather than fading into view like the Cheshire cat . )
30 In the 1970s it was only a curiosity but around 1980 it had a renaissance when people discovered that in certain complicated molecules , involving both deuterium and tritium , the presence of a muon caused fusion to occur much faster than had been previously thought possible .
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