Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The fish tend to spawn all around the same time and pay attention to their own broods — equally the parents will see off any attempt by another pair to eat their brood .
2 A maid jumped and began to scream shrilly on the same note as her mistress .
3 The strategy is to sell the plug compatibles for less than the price of the equivalent IBM machine but to make them at least as powerful , or to provide more for the same money .
4 This enables several users to work simultaneously on the same document by locking on to the section relevant to them , rather than accessing the entire thing .
5 But the new financing structure collapsed under them and , as the cultural energy build up during the 1939–45 period became depleted , these filmmakers were only occasionally to work again at the same level of intensity .
6 The sufferer 's previous " pictures " tended to lead repeatedly to the same emotional responses to outside stimuli .
7 After a terrible 15 minutes I managed to talk again to the same doctor and she explained that elevated meant they were not nought , not as I had thought , that they were going up .
8 In challenging the idea of a natural separation of spheres , the nineteenth century feminist movement took up two major positions : first , that women wishing to enter the public sphere should be able to do so on the same terms as men , and second , that women 's domestic talents and virtues should be extended to the wider sphere beyond the home .
9 I have enjoyed the closest possible co-operation with Chancellor Kohl in the past year and I intend to continue to do so in the same capacity in years to come .
10 A legally aided party who is successful in proceedings has a duty to claim costs if it would be in the interests of a paying client to do so in the same circumstances .
11 So I 've said before that erm Mill wants people to vote just in the same way that people cast their votes in a jury on the basis of what 's right .
12 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
13 Some are showing how to do both at the same time
14 the sums in the premiums trust fund , it 's a very simple answer my Lord to notify now in the same way the commission suggested that they should notify some ten years ago
15 The line penetrates into the mountainside and tunnels a wide upward spiral in the heart of the mountain , to emerge again on the same mountain face at a level 35m ( 115ft ) higher .
16 It is almost as if the modern mind , unable to tolerate cultural restraints , and feeling that discontent in civilization which Freud described long ago , had become so intolerant of the demands of communal existence and civilized behaviour that it saw each and every representative of those restraints as an incitement to revolt rather in the same way that an enraged revolutionary mob , thirsting for the blood of its oppressors , might fall on some unfortunate bystander merely because he happened to bear a resemblance to the head of the secret police .
17 It is a poem which , although at first in its language and meaning I admittedly find a little daunting , I enjoyed pondering over very much and genuinely hope to read more by the same , as yet , anonymous author .
18 Poppy seeds sprinkled on bread as a flavouring have a disconcerting tendency to react chemically in the same way as the extract of the opium poppy , so that a worker could be mistaken for a heroin user because of what he ate for breakfast .
19 But even the happiness Mother and Father felt at being able to live together under the same roof at last was tinged with sadness , because they both liked Stainmore very much and would have preferred to stay in the area .
20 It was rare for more than one married couple to live together in the same house .
21 It is difficult knowing how far to credit such stories in twelfth-century sources , although given that the Ramsey chronicle is recording the history of its own house , and that the Peterborough source refers to trouble there at the same time , it is reasonable to believe that trouble of some sort there was .
22 ‘ We thought it was as good an excuse as any and we were all able to get away at the same time .
23 A further example of national information about which local managers were unable to act came with the expanding of the National Diploma level of BTEC in schools : when it was shown that there did not have to be an exclusive choice of BTEC and A levels and that to offer both at the same time was not only permissible but also helpful , the manager was able to make new local choices .
24 This technique retains the constant mean heat input but instead of measuring the temperature difference during a change a servo-system immediately increases the energy input to either sample or reference to maintain both at the same temperature .
25 It seemed to be impossible to straighten both at the same time ) and thrust out his chest .
26 With the aid of navigational satellites , the ship would be able to return repeatedly to the same area of ocean .
27 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
28 You can hardly expect lightning to strike twice in the same family . ’
29 He is the only member allowed to speak twice to the same motion .
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