Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The costs of such systems are extremely variable , but are likely to fall somewhere in the regions of :
2 And so , er , when th the reapers were gathering in the harvest they were not allowed to go right to the edge of the field , they had to leave a border , they were not to go right into the corners , they were to leave those areas , so that the poorer members , so that those who did not have could come and could gather what was left behind .
3 Such an approach can encourage low expectations and a failure to attend properly to the needs of children other than those with ‘ problems ’ .
4 The pastel-coloured costumes were at once demure and provocative ; fitted tight from throat to hip , they clung to every line of the delicate , high-breasted figures , heightening the allure of slender shoulders , tiny waists and the swell of young Ranks ; below the waist , however , the gossamer-light , side-split skirts and billowing trousers of white silk shrouded legs and thighs in secrecy , and to Chuck and Joseph the exotic girls of Saigon seemed not to walk but to float gently beneath the tamarinds on the evening breeze .
5 The National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children is increasingly concerned with helping families to cope better with the demands of rearing children .
6 Arrangements were also made for two firemen to take it in turns to sleep on the premises and instructions were given to these men to go all round the shops after the Works are closed and ‘ inspect every hole and corner to see if there is any sign of fire and afterwards to sleep on the premises so as to be ready in case of accident ’ .
7 But I was n't prepared to sit patiently on the sidelines while this process took place .
8 Though the number of Russian diplomatic missions abroad tended to fall somewhat in the decades which followed his death — there were nineteen in 1779 and ( largely for reasons of economy ) only fourteen in 1800 — the country did not relapse into the isolation of the seventeenth century .
9 In the second group , there were those countries , like Kenya , who had never been able to borrow much from the banks .
10 We had to pass right by the men .
11 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
12 So when voters began deserting the CDS in droves , the People 's Party stood to benefit most from the defections .
13 When this bout of unemployment is over , or when unemployment is declining , we must avoid children leaving school with no idea of the skills that they will need to work properly in the jobs that they will want , and in the jobs that will be available .
14 In order to do this I decided to work loosely with the oils as if I was using watercolours , thinning with genuine turpentine and allowing colours to bleed into one another .
15 Voters will need to know enough about the candidates to be able to judge their relative merits .
16 A bishop should be a leader and I will try to work together with the members of the dioceseabout women priests .
17 Put the dish(es) into a roasting pan containing enough freshly boiled water to come halfway up the sides .
18 Place the dish in a large baking pan and pour boiling water in the pan to come halfway up the sides of the dish .
19 Etam sales , up 32 per cent to £84.3m on an increase in trading space of 29 per cent , appeared to benefit from the hot summer weather and its low-priced fashion for younger women seemed not to suffer greatly from the effects of higher mortgages .
20 The little boy 's absorption had enabled her to work longer during the days , which meant she had finished the commissions in hand and so could take a weekend off without worrying about them .
21 Some of the other men are allowed to work outside in the grounds of the prison , as you wilt see .
22 In freedom , he managed to hide away in the wilds and educate himself .
23 Scotland must take their chances in London against a side that has been the most consistent for the last few years if they are to come away with the spoils of victory .
24 At the Organising Committee , the retiring CEB chairman had confidently suggested that the old CEB organisation could continue to handle matters in this field and there would be little need for change : ‘ The CEB in conjunction with a strong committee on which the Ministry of Supply were represented were working hard on the generating plant extensions and it would not be necessary for the Organising Committee to worry over-much about the details of this programme in the meantime . ’
25 The strategy is to get developers to write just to the Windows programming interface , even for alternative operating systems , such as Unix and System 7 .
26 On the subject of a ‘ Windows layer ’ for Unix , the Microsoft Corp chairman said that the company is considering either libraries that would enable developers to recompile Windows software , or source-code licences that would allow third parties create and sell run-time versions of Windows for Unix , a concept also used in the tool code-named Wings , formerly Alar , which recompiles Windows applications to run on the Macintosh ; the strategy is to get developers to write just to the Windows programming interface , even for alternative operating systems , such as Unix and System 7 .
27 Rose helped Maggie to write away for the forms and then to fill in the forms when they came .
28 ‘ But I 'll be able to come home in the evenings and you can teach me the things I need to know , ’ said Endill .
29 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
30 This meant that he was supposed to know more about the Guns than any of the crew ’ .
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