Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many are offered in garden centres and shops , loose or prepacked , from February onwards , but care must be taken to plant them at the right time or thy may fail .
2 Hewett despatched Charlton around the outside of the inn to meet them at the outside door , while he and the landlord hurried through to the tap room .
3 ‘ I persuaded her once or twice to meet me at the ruined tower .
4 For a new act , I would have to pitch them at the right venue for their type of music .
5 It was a pleasure to meet you at the Scottish Taxi Federation exhibition at Riccarton last week .
6 As well as receiving your letters , we like to meet you at the Royal Show , reader workshops and garden visits .
7 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
8 A key objective since Tencel was launched has been to position it at the top end of the market , working with the best mills , converters and manufacturers and attracting a premium price for the fibre .
9 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
10 We hope to see you at the grand final in London .
11 The problem that exists is that factions of governors who are members of the European Central Bank and who disagree with its policies may join together to frustrate them at the national level .
12 Part of the success is to sow them at the right time .
13 Yes it 's been understood that it was a routing thing to put them at the right side of Southwell to drive through the middle of it .
14 Muscles yes , you 've got to er if you 're going to build power into muscles you 've got to , you 've got to give the load to those particular muscles and you 've got to do it at the right load .
15 Michael holds Howard by the upper arms , to take in his corporeal presence through his finger-tips , and to keep him at the right distance for gazing at in astonishment .
16 This is very contrary to our traditional view of trying to segment and fragment the information and trying to keep it at the business specific level or trying to keep it at the corporate level .
17 eat the right amount of energy ( calories ) to keep us at the right weight
18 It was back in England for ( Sir ) Alexander Korda [ q.v. ] in 1933 that Laughton made his screen name in The Private Life of Henry VIII at the start of a sequence of major cinema biographies ( The Barretts of Wimpole Street ( 1934 ) , Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) , Rembrandt ( 1936 ) , and the unfinished I Claudius ( 1936 ) ) , which were to see him at the very peak of his reflective , anguished talent for larger-than-life monsters of reality .
19 Meanwhile SunSelect continues to be skittish on any questions about WABI 's list price , packaging , availability or anything else substantive , ostensibly because of the gala rollout it has planned for May 5 at the 500-seat Great American Music Hall in San Francisco , having ditched plans to hold it at the giant Paramount Theater in Oakland , California .
20 Nor was hegemony an inevitable or universal phenomenon , and conscious efforts to combat it at the ideological level were a necessary part of the socialist project .
21 Negotiations continue but no clear way forward has yet presented itself , the Cooking Centre is zoned for housing and there is little prospect that the Region would be prepared to acquire it at the residential land value — £150,000 .
22 Moses , for instance , was a whimpering mass of inferiority as God began to commission him at the burning bush .
23 Leighton 's error in allowing Didier Deschamps to beat him at the near post and present France with an advantage they did not deserve was crucial to the outcome of the match .
24 He led her inside and left her at one side of the room , walking softly away and stopping to face her at the other side .
25 It was urged , on the one hand , that public opinion was not yet ready for the abolition of capital punishment and that it would be particularly unwise to abolish it at the present time when there was an abnormal amount of robbery with violence .
26 Our competitors who use their better provision of education to beat us at the economic game — show us how a slender force of educated human resources , our current situation , is no basis for technical expertise in volume , for high intellect in commerce , for leadership quality in management , or for any other human component of economic success .
27 ‘ We got the two goals back , but you have to stop them at the other end as well .
28 She returned his kiss , but declined firmly to join him at the Allied Steelmakers ' annual dinner ( carriages eleven-thirty ) , saying she would actually rather go to the cinema with a girlfriend , and tripped out of the office looking considerably less harassed than when she had arrived .
29 Tommy winked at Rose , then left Charlie to join her at the far end of the bar .
30 Although my household and ARP duties did not allow of a visit to the Western hospital some folk came to see us at the main post , and laugh at the fact that the Steward of the hospital had had to send the last of his well-trained clerks to Egypt to help count the number of prisoners and try to get the provision for them in some sort of order .
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