Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] to [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
2 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
3 ‘ My dear Miss Kyte , ’ said Lady Danby 's voice , interrupting her reverie , ‘ I am certainly going to take you to task for leaving my party so early .
4 The plaintiff served on the defendants notice of motion making application to the county court to commit them to prison for the alleged contempt of court entailed by breach of the injunction .
5 If he fails to attend a second time the judge has power to commit him to prison for contempt of court .
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