Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] from [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , many of them know that their relatives and friends will be calling in to see them from time to time ; but ‘ from time to time ’ does not take care of those long days and nights in between , when , apart from their often desperate need for company , they feel frighteningly cut off from the world of people who would come to their aid at once if they fell ill , if only they had the means of contacting them .
2 Prisoners may be left locked in their cells for longer , because there is not the staff to supervise out-of-cell activities or to escort them from place to place .
3 No , you I used to know her from church in Oxford , before she moved down here .
4 ‘ He told me he wrote it to distract him from pain in his last days .
5 We have not yet reached the point at which mere characterisation of a claim as a claim in public law is sufficient to exclude it from consideration by the ordinary courts : to permit this would be to create a dual system of law with the rigidity and procedural hardship for plaintiffs which it was the purpose of the recent reforms to remove : ’ Davy v. Spelthorne Borough Council [ 1984 ] A.C. 262 , 276 , per Lord Wilberforce .
6 Thus if you are Jewish and working class , your Jewishness is used to disqualify you from membership of labour organizations ; but equally if you are Jewish and poor , your poverty is made to signify the essentially parasitic nature of your ‘ race ’ on the host community .
7 The friend is to visit him from time to time to make sure he proceeds with discretion .
8 to see you from time to time
9 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
10 There are free buses to ferry you from hotel to cable-car stations and the town has a warm , friendly atmosphere .
11 Seniority provides committee chairmen with an independent power base and helps to insulate them from control by party leaders and presidents .
12 These charges and interest rates are variable and the Bank reserves the right to amend them from time to time .
13 This helps to protect them from starvation during the first week or two , when conditions may still be hard .
14 The issue is that , despite the information available , CSM took no action to protect patients from practolol at least from January to October 1975 ; and again took no action to protect them from benoxaprofen from October 1981 to August 1982 .
15 Does my hon. Friend agree that it would be wrong to keep uneconomic pits open by trying to protect them from competition from imported coal ?
16 I tried to contact you from time to time but you always seemed to be somewhere else . ’
17 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
18 The site is under military guard , ostensibly to protect it from attack by anti-government rebels of the New People 's Army .
19 An extreme and exceptional case is the small community outside the fort of Phasis in the province of Cappadocia , which was fortified by the governor solely to protect it from assault by invading Alans in the mid second century .
20 ‘ The body has a defence mechanism to protect it from invasion by foreign substances .
21 Added to this was the waxing of the fuselage interior to protect it from corrosion in the future .
22 She unearthed an ancient bicycle from some forgotten shed corner and proceeded to ride it from cottage to cottage , her sackful of letters stuffed compactly into a basket in the front .
23 Well I always like to read it from left to right but it does n't matter really .
24 But it 's almost impossible to separate it from thinking of Alexander Pope the man .
25 And if I handle all with my own hands , and keep the prince clear of it — though he knows my mind , and it is his mind , too — I do so to preserve him from harassment by those who will hear of nothing less than Owen 's head on London Bridge .
26 She also wanted to save them from slaughter for the sum of two hundred pounds .
27 IT probably wo n't be enough to save them from relegation to Division II , but Dundee HSFP reproduced some of last season 's promotion-winning style in regaining much lost pride at Mayfield on Saturday .
28 Recently , and at vast expense , Loch Ken has been revitalised and restocked , because it had become fishless ; and there is evidence that many other lochs , surrounded by conifer plantations , will need similar treatment to save them from ruin in the foreseeable future .
29 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
30 They might be waiting — waiting to snatch him from salvation at the very last moment .
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