Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [that] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When dealing with previous Bills affecting the armed services , the Minister and his colleagues have always sought to assure me that the armed forces are keenly aware of the need to treat complainers — irrespective of age — in a sympathetic manner .
2 I write to inform you that the above appeal is to be heard on
3 ‘ The protective measures taken by the ‘ experienced ’ Shetland oil industry have been used to reassure us that the environmental risks associated with this industry are now minimal .
4 A second argument has traditionally been used to reassure us that the economic power derived from the ownership of property is subject to constraints .
5 Mr. Levy , for J. 's parents , sought to persuade us that the particular order here could be justified because it was only an interim order , designed to ‘ hold ’ the situation for a short period until a full hearing .
6 Next it is necessary for the agent to attend before the Examiners in parliament to satisfy them that the General Orders have been complied with , and this constitutes a heavy responsibility because the effect of non-compliance can be serious .
7 The Minister will find it difficult to convince me that the new employers ' priority will be to match the existing and future pension rights of STG employees .
8 The Minister will find it difficult to convince me that the new employers ' priority will be to match the existing and future pension rights of STG employees .
9 " I 've seen enough to convince me that the only recommendation I can make to the bank is that they should withdraw all financial facilities to the Ingard group forthwith .
10 Readers hardly need me to remind them that the simple but magnificent monument at the head of Loch Shiel is to commemorate the 1745 Jacobite rebellion against English domination .
11 He also liked to remind him that the first time he had seen him was during the military parade in Cairo to celebrate Kuhammad Rea 's marriage to Princes Fawzia in 1939 . "
12 Now , ahead of d'Alembord , the gun-fire rumbled like dull thunder to remind him that the two thousand six hundred pounds must be earned the hard way .
13 So too , if we consult the Report of Her Majesty 's Chief Inspector of Constabulary , 1975 ( or almost any other year for that matter ) we find ourselves assailed within the space of only a few paragraphs with repeated references to The report was generous enough to remind us that the personal violence over which so much ink had been spilled amounted to less than 4 per cent of known serious crime .
14 The tables are turning now , though , with even George Bush making TV advertisements to remind us that The Big Country is waiting with open tills for our holiday spending money .
15 Because , if the supposedly traditional habit of respect for the law was not much in evidence here , then frequent headlines such as ‘ Boot 'em ’ at Waterloo ’ , ‘ They Play Football with a Man ’ and ‘ Kick a Man like a Football ’ serve to remind us that the English ‘ fair play ’ tradition of fighting with the fists — and not with the feet — had also gone into eclipse .
16 Bjornsson explains in a way which serves to remind us that the mathematical precision of a readability formula may be misleading .
17 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
18 I have to tell them that the only way we can meet our targets is an absolute freeze .
19 I had a sudden pang of conscience that I really ought to tell them that the funny-looking herb on the left of their kitchen garden was not really an obscure form of ivy and on no account must they attempt to smoke its leaves .
20 Late one afternoon Rioja had rushed in to tell them that the whole camp was being evacuated across the border and they must flee before the men who were coming to shoot them reached the hut .
21 Instead he went on to tell them that the shortest time they kept pupils was for two years but that usually they tried to move people back into mainstream at the time for transfer to middle/upper school .
22 The Americans that I have spoken to tell me that the average amount of fluid they use in a case is 24 to 32 oz .
23 He telephoned me one evening to tell me that the Labour Party had decided to use an extract from it in their manifesto .
24 Within a few days of seeing me for the first time , he summoned me once again to tell me that the Labour Party did not wish to continue with the action .
25 ‘ Despite a difficult trading position caused by a considerable drop in customer numbers , I am pleased to be able to tell you that the strenuous efforts of the management team , staff members of the associated Preservation Society have brought success in reducing costs to a level less than the revenue that we have earned , ’ he said .
26 We want to tell you that the 1963 hit is Britain 's top-seller of all time and reached world sales of more than 13 million .
27 But I threw it away and wrote instead to tell him that the Victorian nonsense was his , not ours , since the rule was imposed on us by Parliament .
28 I 've tried to tell him that the last thing Project Eden needs is an Administrator who 's crazy as a dakkabug , but will he listen to me ? ’
29 Everyone began to tell her that the shortest day had been passed and Fred sat down beside Anne .
30 Wages , meanwhile , were held down — or , at best , rose only very slowly ; and it does n't need a Mr. Micawber to tell us that the net result for thousands of families was a fluctuation in living standards bordering all too often on total destitution .
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