Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , there must be be a reason and as I 'm sure , I mean like like the objective , and then what you can do at this stage in the design process is once you 've got the objective then you select those themes or ideas from your what you 've done just now to support that objective , so that when you come up my objective is to convince you or my objective is to inform you then the information that you 're going to give out supports that objective .
2 When this government talks about safety nets for those in need , I tend to look six inches below ground level to find it often the G M B is the only safety net above the ground which leads me to my second word we do this because we care we care about our country our economy , and our people .
3 They stood ready to wave them immediately the train appeared .
4 The signalman controlling the level crossing is instructed to close the gate n seconds before the train actually arrives , and to open it immediately the train has passed .
5 Oh , and he wants to see you directly the curtain comes down . ’
6 Robyn , perhaps you 'd like to help me clear the dishes , ’ he instructed , giving her a warning glance .
7 All other teams are instantly relagated to shiteball teams and have no say in what they do or if they are honoured by an invitation from the team of the universe to play them then the scum also have the right to select the opposition team and to decide on the appropriate scoreline before the match begins .
8 Other spirits were extremely malignant and much to be feared , and if prayer or lasting failed to exorcise them then the mine might need to be closed .
9 He turned to help her clear the table .
10 They set about reinforcing and extending their property to give it much the appearance it has today , apart from some modern restoration .
11 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
12 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
13 If the tinkerers can not find a way of preserving the non-party aspect of the Upper House , people might vote to keep it roughly the way it is .
14 Cis did her best to call it correctly the Picturedrome , but alas …
15 He seemed to like it just the way it was .
16 Patterson had arranged for the solicitors in Bloomsbury to ring him immediately the jiffy bag arrived , so that end was covered and I was pretty sure that 's where the Airborne messenger was heading without further interruptions .
17 Cos you have to have it so the gas so high , it must be really boiling hot and you just stir fry the vegetables all round this
18 Eventually my husband and the house officer managed ( with great determination and much shouting ) to persuade him that if it was absolutely necessary to examine me internally the house officer would do so .
19 As time went on , to avoid a whipping , I learned to tell her only the things I thought she wanted to hear .
20 I like to make it so the viewer has an experience unto his or herself .
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