Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] about [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
2 The bulk of writing about academic disciplines is , however , specific to each discipline , and there are relatively few examples of attempts to extract generalities about the nature of the academic or the nature of disciplines .
3 An important service for distance learning students is the Henley Extended Learning Programme ( HELP ) which allows students to connect with a central database to retrieve details about the course , workshops , examinations and administration .
4 we have set up co-ordinators in every local education authority to train teachers about the harm drugs can do , a nd to bring the fight against drug abuse into the classroom ;
5 Therefore , these meteorites are believed to contain clues about the origin of life on Earth .
6 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
7 I agree also that it is absurd to suggest that there is anything wrong with national testing of pupils ' progress at certain ages , both to inform parents and to inform localities about the performance of their schools .
8 An information office is shortly to be set up by East Hampshire District Council to answer queries about the drainage work taking place in the village .
9 A Kent social worker wishes to consult solicitors about an assault on her by a client two years ago .
10 Being mostly confined to Buckinghamshire , the handful of parsons reported as having no personal property serve as much as anything to highlight doubts about the approach to clerical assessments there .
11 Of these , 37 were willing to answer questions about the experience .
12 Not only were the British Consul staff unable to answer questions about the search and weather conditions , but they were also reluctant to provide us with any basic help .
13 WELSH Office minister Gwilym Jones yesterday refused to answer questions about the appointment of his secretary to a £5,000a-year health job .
14 The main sponsors of the meeting , Professors Matthew Meselson of Harvard University and Carl Kaysen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , declined to answer questions about the meeting , Those who did speak to New Scientist did not know whether a summary of the discussions would be made public ,
15 I ask my colleagues therefore to rest on the position that the way in which we coordinate our decision is a matter internal to Government and not to answer questions about the Cabinet Committee system .
16 For example , the argument about institutionalized racism in Statement A can be used to counter denials about the existence and effects of racial inequalities .
17 The biological assumptions involved in such statements are based on a series of half-truths about the ageing process , extended so that they appear to support explanations about the nature of life and health in old age that are not justified by the facts .
18 In general , users were more likely to express opinions about a type of credit than non-users — so both positive and negative attitudes tended to emerge more strongly .
19 Unless the expert is determining all disputes under a contract ( see 6.9 ) , it is vital to define the issue clearly to avoid disputes about the interpretation of the words .
20 In the late 1640s and early 1650s , radicals like William Walwyn and Gerrard Winstanley began to express doubts about the doctrine of hell , while the Ranters went so far as to deny the existence of sin , and some early English Unitarians , such as John Bidle , attacked the doctrine of the trinity and denied Christ 's divinity .
21 This prompted Gorbachev on May 27 to make a televised address to the country to try to calm fears about the market reform plan and to appeal for support .
22 Deborah Coles described the testimony of the medical officer responsible for F as an attempt to avoid questions about the justification for F 's treatment .
23 The principal motivation for this comparison is to help decisions about the allocation of health care resources .
24 Once again , judicial views about the function and importance of judicial remedies , even if unexpressed , are bound to underlie decisions about the effect of alternative remedies .
25 When a subsequent judgment study ( Groeger & Chapman , in preparation b ) was designed which used the same films as Study 4 , the opportunity was taken to include questions about the amount of fixed and variable information in the stimuli .
26 Furthermore , price-cutting can in some circumstances be anticompetitive : predatory pricing to drive out a rival or an entrant , or low prices seeking to mislead entrants about the efficiency of the incumbent firms are cases in point ( Milgrom and Roberts , 1982 ) .
27 Not only might such a diagram act as a checklist of the types of land use to look for in a study of any area , but it may also serve to prompt questions about the working of the basic agricultural economic units which make up the English landscape .
28 The academics argue that , if intangibles are to be included in the balance sheet , companies will have to disclose more information to enable users to form judgments about the reliability of the valuations .
29 In a sale of a family company with widely dispersed shareholdings , there may be some difficulty in persuading some of the shareholders to give warranties about the business in which they have not been involved .
30 Apart from needing to know varying amounts about the office , status , role , and personal details of people we are communicating with , we also need to form hypotheses about the degree of knowledge we share with them and the degree to which the schemata they are operating correspond with our own .
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