Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
2 A statement to input values from the console input device ( usually keyboard ) .
3 The implication of this is that context does not function to exclude candidates from the cohort .
4 Wheels and parts of the cars ' undercarriage were scattered along the track as rescue workers struggled to pull survivors from the wreckage of the train in the Amsterdam suburb of Hoofddorp .
5 Hence , the development of " Social Europe " by imposing high minimum employment standards , is crucial if large sections of labour are not to suffer losses from the creation of the SEM .
6 Now it was in decay ; we shifted foot-baths about on the landing to catch drips from the roof , which we could get no one to repair .
7 Mildred rushed to the washroom and seized the bucket which stood under the window there to catch drips from the leak in the ceiling .
8 Now fed-up councillors are planning to meet officials from the Re-Roof Housing Association .
9 Although he preferred to train dancers from the age of nine , by the time the pantomime season came he had so many to cast he had to accept adults and teach them after they had finished a day 's work .
10 A delegation of Soviet miners is to meet officers from the fraud squad tomorrow over Arthur Scargill 's alleged mishandling of funds donated during the year-long pit strike .
11 By the time of Catherine 's Legislative Commission ( 1766–68 ) , the predominant concern among the nobility was to exclude commoners from the Table of Ranks .
12 Whether the Japanese will eventually be able to use solar energy to obtain metals from the sea remains to be seen , but they have proved that it is possible for copper at least .
13 For example , most managers seek commission on gross earnings , whereas artists ' representatives attempt to reduce the manager 's commission to net earnings from the band 's live touring .
14 Another effect of trees is that they appear to concentrate pollutants from the atmosphere .
15 Another effect of trees is that they appear to concentrate pollutants from the atmosphere .
16 When establishing a subsidiary , local legal and taxation regulations must make it possible to set up a profitable subsidiary and allow the parent company to extract profits from the country .
17 British Rail expects a marked increase in Railfreight services to and from the Continent after the Tunnel opens and extensive alterations to the Willesden/Wembley Freight Complex are underway to marshal trains from the South East and other parts of the Country .
18 Mr Major instructed his Principal Private Secretary , Alex Allen , to demand answers from the minister before facing MPs in the Commons .
19 It should be feasible to find advisers from the air force without exceeding the total of 500 , allocated to KMAG .
20 Another possibility open to the government would be to increase exemptions from the charge for those on low pay , but this would only really operate ‘ at the margin' .
21 The Californian plaintiffs had sought to obtain answers from the defendant West German corporation to 315 written interrogatories .
22 A one-mile link from Boathouse Bridge to the East Coast Railway bridge will connect with minor roads to provide routes from the centre of Edinburgh to the lanes of West Lothian and the Forth Road Bridge .
23 By the end of the year his reputation was sufficient to attract offers from the corporation of Norwich , which tried to employ him when the infection reached there .
24 However the legislation specifically forbad the use of vegetation or planters in the roadway that would either obstruct vision or be high enough to hide children from the view of approaching drivers .
25 The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers .
26 The problem of insufficient staff to be able easily to absorb absences from the workplace to attend group training sessions was commented on by all except the largest libraries , with some libraries apparently regarding this lack of ( indirect ) staff resource as paramount to preventing any in-service training programmes being carried out , although as was emphasized by The Library Association Working Party on Training :
27 Having decided for themselves that the problem lay in the lack of will and determination on the part of the Indo-Chinese to join whole-heartedly with the French in resisting communism , the US had to obtain assurances from the French that a programme of French government will be developed ; national armies will be organized ; France will despatch sufficient additional armed forces to Indo-China to insure that the restoration of peace and internal security will be accomplished in accordance with the timetable of the overall military plan for Indo-China ( which made it sound more like a military parade than a war and that the French will eliminate their policy of colonialism .
28 Durán , projecting the image of elder statesman , was expected to attract votes from the left in the run-off election .
29 The American proposals would embrace holding of elections in north and south Korea through multi-party ballot based on universal suffrage ; each legislature established in consequence would select representatives to meet representatives from the other to form a provisional government for a united Korea ; the provisional government would meet representatives of the four powers to consider on a basis of equality the assistance required by Korea ; the provisional government and the powers would agree on a date by which occupation forces would be withdrawn .
30 If you have questions about the Off-Site Emergency Plan , or are unclear about what is involved , we shall be holding a public meeting for you to meet representatives from the Emergency Services , the Health Authority , the District and County Councils and CIBA-GEIGY Plastics .
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