Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [pron] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dear Newsagent , I would be Judith-Chalmers-ly indebted to your good suntan if you could find it in your deckchair to reserve me my very own monthly copy of that phew-missus-it's-a-scorcher gamesplaying bible , ZZAP ! 64 , starting with the July issue , on sale Thursday 25 June .
2 She wanted very much to buy him something really fine , something to show how much she loved him .
3 For you as writer , this entails looking so hard at the world you write about that you begin to feel the minute , imperceptible movements within it and learn to give them their most appropriate names .
4 Well , he found them the best ski runs in the Cairngorms when they started and they could n't afford to give him anything very spectacular , so he said , ‘ Can I have the ski shop and the bobble hat concession ? ’
5 ‘ Here we are , ’ gushed the presenter of Gardeners ' World , ‘ we 're in my very favourite corner of the estate now , with its magnificent , sweeping views down to the river.just look at this superb example of Metasequoiaglyptostroboides , or Dawn Redwood to give it its more familiar name , I do n't think I 've ever seen a better specimen anywhere .
6 But I 'm going to read you something much shorter from one of the from I suppose the least well known of the exordia , that is the one to book seven .
7 I would like to send you my most recent lectures , the second of which ( " Socrates and Tragedy " ) has been understood here as a chain of paradoxes and his aroused hatred and anger in some quarters .
8 To tell you something very strange , there are times when she returns , and fusses over me as before .
9 The scrap of Hammett 's dialogue I have quoted serves to show us one more necessary , if not absolutely necessary , ingredient of the private-eye novel , the use of racy , everyday speech .
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