Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He soon started to gather illustrations for The Tourist 's New Guide to the Lake District , but as with the Manchester plan , it took much longer than he had hoped , and the final version was not published until 1819 .
2 I had some experience of this when I lived at home , having to wait hours for the district nurses .
3 Poles were appointed to administrative posts in local government , and the law courts attempted to accommodate requests for the use of the Polish language .
4 To gather signatures for the petition was a formidable task indeed , because it had to be back in Helen Martini 's hands by the following Thursday , so she could present it to No. 10 Downing Street on Friday 15 March .
5 Erm the planning conversation act nineteen ninety one requires the development plans to include policies for the conservation and that of the natural beauty and amenity of their land .
6 Further to your report ( Echo February 4 ) , I am asking for volunteers from the Spennymoor Ward to form a steering committee to promote activities for the youth of the ward , such as Outward Bound , fishing , youth projects etc .
7 The main tasks of such an authority would be to issue contracts for the performance of particular tasks coupled with supervisory and inspection to ensure that they were adequately performed .
8 The Act does little more than authorise the Secretary of State to issue rules for the regulation of prisons and the Prison Rules 1964 , though subsequently amended , can be shown to be very out of date .
9 One answer might be for the EC to agree rules for the recycling of packaging that would reduce such disruption .
10 The unfortunate turn of events also threatened to disrupt plans for the Hamon Building , a 140,000-square-foot three storey annex slated for unveiling within less than a year .
11 Learning how to categorize cases for the purpose of decision-making in pollution control may , however , be a lengthy process , since the solitude of the job and the absence of any formal training restrict the field officer 's access to the agency 's fund of knowledge about different types of case .
12 The FundaciĆ³ 's maintenance costs eat up the lion 's share of government subsidy , and as the programme is expanded the directors hope to cultivate funds for the exhibition and education programmes from sponsorship and patronage .
13 Most weekends , they labour side by side to conserve funds for the jobs they can not tackle .
14 Herbarium bench fees should be set to include funds for the use of these facilities .
15 To provide foundations for the walls , we formed a toe around the outside , 75mm deeper and a shovel width ( like a moat ) , and skimmed off the sharp corner .
16 From April 1993 local authorities will have to contract out waste management , and this should give the companies more opportunities to secure contracts for the conversion of waste into energy .
17 The decoy system was once used to provide birds for the table .
18 The first meeting is to be held within two weeks , to finalise activities for the remainder of 1993 .
19 It boosted annual net dividends by 36.5 per cent to compensate shareholders for the Chancellor 's tax change .
20 Pre-dating the National Health Service by over thirty years , in 1916 the Venereal Disease Regulations were passed instructing all local health authorities to provide clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of the venereal diseases .
21 Since it is virtually impossible to obtain cultures for the gonococcus , the chances of making the correct diagnosis are considerably reduced .
22 By 1800 , Nez Perce buffalo-hunting expeditions to the Yellowstone had become too dangerous , and five years later a council in the Kamiah valley resolved to obtain firearms for the tribe .
23 There is no Building Control requirement to provide toilets for the public , but if they are provided , then at least one must be suitable for use by the disabled .
24 This is the man behind it all , Ralph Reader , a successful composer in the thirties who agreed to write songs for the scouts to perform and his material is still used today .
25 The main aim of this chapter is to provide guidelines for the introduction of a microcomputer into the school library or the extension of microcomputer work involving microcomputers in the school library and in the classroom .
26 The contras claimed that their action was intended to focus attention on the government 's failure to provide funds for the resettlement of former contras and their dependents .
27 The government was urged to provide funds for the training of staff and additional support for dealing with the more difficult pupils .
28 They were accused of " rebellion " and of establishing the Movement to attract supporters for the purpose of promoting activities , including the use of violence , intended to " destroy the socialism prevailing in Cuba " .
29 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
30 Every family health services authority should enter into discussions with its general practitioners to establish guidelines for the employment of counsellors .
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