Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is common for members of each to attend meetings of the others , at least as observers , and sometimes a project initiated by one body is subsequently brought to fruition under the aegis of another .
2 It is a matter of deep regret that the Department of Social Security failed to provide copies of the instruments in time for the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments to consider them and report to the House .
3 I would like help from those who have taken on responsibility to inform groups of the changes and want to find out where they found materials which were user friendly .
4 The trainee , who wishes to remain anonymous , said : ‘ I had hoped to obtain copies of the results of the survey and a sample questionnaire .
5 The offshore petroleum industry training organisation has now established a data base to provide details of the courses attended .
6 The course is designed to provide members of the professions allied to medicine with the scientific skills , knowledge and their appliction to relevant clinical practice in their field in order to be better able to evaluate their effectiveness of their contributions to health care services .
7 It is not difficult to find examples of the kinds of problems arising in practice :
8 It was only in middle life that he ceased self-denigration and began to accuse others of the faults of which he had previously found himself guilty .
9 A noteworthy recent example of the use of Article 100 in the area of social policy is Council Directive 91/533 on an employer 's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship , where it is quite simply asserted in the recitals that ‘ differences in the legislation of Member States may have a direct effect on the operation of the common market ’ .
10 Products are obliged to meet specified safety standards and firms are required to inform consumers of the conditions attached to the sale of goods .
11 Management yesterday began suspending ambulance staff in retaliation to the work to rule tactics of the unions .
12 It may be a heresy to say that poor snow forces people to explore facets of the mountains which do not involve skiing , but it is true .
13 Regional health authorities are waiting for news of their allocation and meetings are to be held between the hospice and Darlington Health Authority chiefs this week to discuss details of the services to benefit from the extra cash .
14 Grants to State governments to cover parts of the costs of welfare and other programmes ( such as those for the construction of the Inter-State Highway system ) comprise only one of the elements of Federal spending which has an uneven impact on the various parts of the United States .
15 In collecting biographical material fans were asked to give accounts of the ways in which they had come to their present position in the terraces and to indicate on a sketch plan of the London Road End , past , and projected future locations .
16 The task is to generate indicators of the concepts in order to see better just what empirical relationships the phenomena pointed to by the concept of class might be .
17 Accordingly , he will be required to give particulars of the factors affecting his tax liability ( Phipps v Orthodox Unit Trust Ltd [ 1958 ] 1 QB 314 ) .
18 Chiltern District Council v. Keane [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 619 was an appeal from the High Court in which it was held that ( 1 ) the notice of motion to commit lacked sufficient particularity to enable the alleged contemnor to meet the charge , ( 2 ) there had been no personal service of notice of an adjourned hearing date and ( 3 ) the committal order failed to give particulars of the facts found to constitute the contempt .
19 There are various procedural requirements applicable to a reduction in the standard number , including a duty of the proposer to publish details of the proposals and to refer the proposals to the Secretary of State if objections to them are raised by 10 or more local government electors or by the LEA or governors ( whichever of them is not the admissions authority ) .
20 The Japanese Kyodo news agency reported on May 7 that Yazov and his Chinese counterpart , Gen. Qin , failed to finalize details of an arms deal during the visit .
21 Those schools which were not satisfied were asked to give examples of the constraints which limited provision and , apart from time , those most commonly mentioned in the primary sector related to the low priority given to health education when compared with other developments , and to the lack of a specific school policy .
22 to give examples of the children 's own work as cumulative examples of achievements
23 We tried to give examples of the ways we could try to direct finance to help these sort of things happen .
24 The enclosing matrix is a fine-grained sandstone , and the original calcite shell material has dissolved away to leave impressions of the shells on the sandstone .
25 In May the efforts of V. N. Kokovtsov , the Minister of Finance , to persuade representatives of the industrialists to agree to improve the conditions of labour collapsed ignominiously .
26 The headman was supposed to check the accuracy of this information before giving his permission for the butchering , and he was also expected to send copies of the permits which he had approved to the magistrate at the end of each month .
27 Suddenly queues formed around the block with girls keen to grab armfuls of the dresses .
28 If it is decided to drop the B74 course , we may still wish to keep details of the modules which make up the course .
29 A proposal to disclose details of the Brands deal was defeated on the casting vote of the Chairman at a meeting this week .
30 One is more likely to see examples of the results of it however .
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