Example sentences of "[to-vb] [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Non-members who wish to attend should write to The Secretary , Sands Cox Society , Medical School , Birmingham B15 2TT as soon as possible .
2 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
3 The first two groups would have much to gain from interaction in an educational setting designed to emphasise what they had in common , and the servicing role we continued to provide would benefit from the additional resources ( of teaching and support staff , of facilities , equipment , and library provision , and of committee representation ) available to us as a department within a developed departmental structure .
4 For the strictly limited purpose of deciding whether Ward J. 's decision should be affirmed or reversed , it suffices to say that an appellate court should always be slow to reject a trial judge 's findings of fact , he having had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses , and that it should be even slower to do so if any findings which it would be minded to substitute would lead to the same result .
5 It will be argued that when the second source is threatened as well as the first , the power to coerce can devolve on the civil sphere in a substantive way .
6 Those wishing to play should arrive at the club no later than 1.30 .
7 Attempts to justify the probabilistic version of the principle of induction by appeal to experience must suffer from the same deficiency as attempts to justify the principle in its original form .
8 If , for instance , he is on the common law side , the case that he is asked to consider may turn on the Landlord and Tenant Acts , the Rent Acts , the Consumer Protection Act , the Food and Drugs Act , the Town and Country Planning Acts , the Arbitration Act , tax law , separation , bankruptcy , conflict of laws , carriage of goods , insurance , and many other topics that he may never have studied at the University or for his Bar examinations He will not be expected , and will not need , to have every detail of all these subjects in his mind .
9 Similarly , the ability to compete may arise from the use and disclosure of business secrets .
10 It reflects some current concerns , and also questions which do not arise specifically at the moment , but which we ought to realise may arise in the future .
11 In crickets , the ability to sing can develop without the experience of song , but in many birds the story is not the same .
12 If you wish to rent from a private landlord you security of tenure and the amount of rent you have to pay will depend on the type of tenancy you have .
13 The assessment of the vendor 's ability to pay will depend on the current financial status of the vendor and its plans for the coming years including its use of the sale proceeds .
14 Mealtimes provide natural variation in a programme and what you are going to offer will depend on the programme , the venue 's facilities , the season , the numbers and your budget .
15 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
16 ‘ The Prince did not care what promises had been made to the Englishman ; forcing Sharpe to dance would demonstrate to the Rifleman that the Prince commanded this headquarters .
17 We can see easily enough that in a competitive world social selection for a selfish maximization of an individual 's capacity to reproduce will result in the predominance of certain traits in a population .
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