Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It had been a shock to discover that for the first five years they went to homes in the country where women were paid to nurse them , and it seemed to put a stop to any hope of seeing Angel again .
2 ‘ I have to play with pain-killing injections and I 'm not able to train except for a short time doing set-pieces on a Friday . ’
3 A successor ( all Heads of Department were eligible for election ) had proved hard to find and for a brief period the chairmanship of the Course had been taken over by the Deputy Director , Brian Tonge .
4 He pulled on the goggles but still there was nothing to see except for the red embers of a dying fire emanating from some unknown source .
5 Owen had other fish to fry and for the next two days he was busy on other things .
6 As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .
7 The purpose of this was to allow the stone to disimpact or for the acute complication to resolve .
8 It took him two weeks to die and for the second of those we spoke together every night by telephone , often for more than an hour .
9 After that walkers need to dress as for an English summer and keep an eye open for thunderstorms .
10 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
11 At the end of that time they again expressed doubts as to their liability to pay and for the next three years paid under protest .
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