Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] in the end " in BNC.

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1 It is merely to affirm that in the end if education is to grow deep roots in the working-class , they will be nourished more by what people learn than how they learn ’ .
2 erm Arthur used to listen and in the end er , I think Johnny went off , you know , satisfied that somebody had listened to him
3 toilet , in Bon 's , in Dan 's loo at Bon 's party cos I 'm going round going oh no no no no I 'll give you a fiver for it I went I really do n't want to sell and in the end like I just said to him look just fuck off , you know cos like he was just persistent
4 If we allow the King 's Cross Railways Bill to proceed and in the end no high-speed link or underground link between Stratford and King 's Cross is built , we shall be left with an enormous white elephant at King 's Cross with no means of getting to it from the channel tunnel .
5 Alternatively , if the immortals were not capable of reproduction , their species would inevitably stagnate , be unable to adapt and in the end — through accident or otherwise — die out .
6 A period when a killer volcano threatens to erupt and in the end does not is a non-event to subsequent generations .
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