Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So the whole crystal structure tries to contract or in other words the material is under pressure ( see Example 3.2 ) .
2 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
3 as the norm for conversational speech ; that is , to accept that in informal speech there is an inherent tendency to a reductionism by which we say only that which is necessary to effective communication .
4 But it still makes me angry to know that in other countries so many children die , so many families are bereaved , simply because they lack basic health care .
5 The infant was at once created Prince of Wales , to indicate that in Jacobite eyes he was the real heir to the throne of England , and the Young Pretender was soon to become universally known as Bonnie Prince Charlie .
6 Both immigration and customs take a stern view of any visiting yachts trying to charter while in Fijian waters and are determined to catch anyone who is trying to do it illegally .
7 I am pleased to report that in recent years commercial and retail development in Belfast have reached unprecedented levels .
8 It is also important to remember that in commercial plastics the basic polymer is not the only constituent .
9 Falcon 3 from Spectrum Holobyte is still the best around for serious sim pilots , Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe from Lucasfilms , and Aces of the Pacific from Dynamix show how good ‘ historic ’ flight sims can be — against this formidable opposition Birds of Prey does not come up to scratch and in open combat would soon become the hunted , rather than the hunter …
10 When faced by political questions , the British are as hard to rouse as in everyday life .
11 This important point is often ignored , and can in our view be taken further ; to suggest that in human society there are no natural and neutral phenomena .
12 The Scotsman survey seems to suggest that in significant sections of our society this function is no longer being fulfilled by the family .
13 You do not have to be getting income support to apply and in exceptional circumstances they may be given for fuel costs .
14 He goes on to conclude that in large companies management frequently possesses power over a wide range of decisions , subject to constraints or partial control exercised by others in some decision areas .
15 May I be allowed to stress that in overall terms the quality of the lifts and the level of service is exceptional .
16 Our everyday awareness of these value-laden distinctions makes it all the more necessary to stress that in social anthropology ( and sociology ) ‘ culture ’ is a neutral term .
17 Budgets can also act as a basis for comparing actual performance with a plan , and this comparison can then lead to identifications of variances from the plan which may initiate management action , where variances are undesirable , to ensure that in future periods such deviations do not occur .
18 This approach is being developed to ensure that in future patients treated in the community receive the health and social care they need …
19 And what will he do to ensure that in future years the system pays up at the beginning of the year , not a third of the way through it or later ?
20 ‘ I ask you to believe that in normal circumstances he would not behave like that , but he is still not quite himself … the death of his friend , you know … ’
21 Power is so seductively close that it is easy to forget that in British politics the winner takes all , or to believe that this time it all will come right and they can themselves grasp power without conceding any .
22 The Royal firm may now like to consider that in other countries , monarchies have benefited from being open .
23 Our report continued : ’ We recommend that the Government introduce legislation to permit nurses with appropriate training limited powers to prescribe and in defined circumstances to modify dosage . ’
24 Paris alerted Croydon , where both planes were due to land and in due course a pilot went up from Croyden to guide him down .
25 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
26 At one point in the novel the ‘ implied author ’ intervenes to argue that in critical discourse the critic-as-reader becomes a principle of unity and semantic determination :
27 Pareto 's economic theory began with free competition , and his theory of society similarly seems to argue that in ideal conditions of free competition between elites the individuals in the elite groups will be slowly but continually replaced by the free circulation of elites .
28 He reminded himself again that he was dealing with premeditated murder and the Glynns were not the sort to resort deliberately to force except in dire circumstances .
29 However , such boards are difficult to turn and in large waves can nosedive , so for a more manoeuvrable design the rocker line would be made more curved .
30 Death and dying Some residents are likely to die while in residential care and there is a need for staff to have some training in helping to care for dying people , in supporting their families , and in attending to the feelings of other residents .
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