Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the [adj] be " in BNC.

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1 At £25,000 he wo n't be secreted under everybody 's egg cosy at breakfast on Easter morning , but it is good to know that the best is there if you can afford it .
2 Such interpretations tend to infer that the military are pushing assertive and dangerous arms policies on a somewhat hesitant Party leadership .
3 Critics tried to rescue older notions of ‘ community ’ or ‘ citizenship ’ to set against the competitive values of the Thatcher government — only to discover that the latter was highly adept in taking over these themes itself in such areas as housing , education , and ‘ neighbourhood watch ’ crime-prevention schemes , partly as a weapon against left-wing local authorities .
4 We were surprised to find that the 750 was only partially assembled , having expected to just pull it out of its box and start using it .
5 I have been encouraged to find that the young are not so predisposed to put me aside at the age of seventy and that a new generation of students and artists regard me as something of a cult figure .
6 Gordian goes on to provide that the same is now to apply in pecuniary cases : an action for trust is to be available in all circumstances .
7 Painfully — for no work cost him more or perhaps as much as this one — Dostoevsky came to see that The Possessed was n't a sideshow .
8 He goes on to claim that the military are also involved .
9 But as historians they were more concerned with the past than the present , so they only gradually came to realize that the two were in many ways inseparable : both that remembering itself could be a help to the present lives of those telling their story , and also that the memory could be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience and this needed to be known to interpret it more effectively .
10 ‘ In early modern England ’ , Keith Thomas has written , ‘ the prevailing deal was gerontocratic : the young were to serve and the old were to rule . ’
11 The deliberate juxtaposition of these rituals of celebration has been done to suggest that the 1830s were years of transition in antislavery culture in which occasions of unity indicated growing divergences within the ‘ movement culture ’ .
12 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
13 I 'd like to er say one or two words before er moving the amendment and I , I 'm very pleased to hear that the two are to be incorporated as it were into this one .
14 It would be a mistake , however , to assume that the latter is about nothing else .
15 If we add to these the possibility that juries sometimes acquit notwithstanding convincing evidence of guilt , we have to accept that an acquittal does not indicate that the police were wrong to conclude that the accused was guilty .
16 Felix was forced to conclude that the English were a very eccentric people .
17 There may be difficulties in particular law centres in finding the right balance between assisting clients in individual cases and taking on group work or projects , but it seems unduly restrictive to deny that the latter was a proper role for lawyers to play .
18 On the principle that ‘ the job of winning control has to start where the powerless are ’ , it supports struggles at grassroots level over health , housing , wages , health and safety , and employment .
19 Accordingly , the concept of matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict must be regarded as an autonomous concept which is to be interpreted , for the application of the Convention , principally by reference to the scheme and objectives of the Convention in order to ensure that the latter is given full effect .
20 It has also helped write rules for community cable access and worked to ensure that the poor are not cut off from the benefits of new telephone technologies .
21 Mountbatten 's post-surrender tasks were first , to ensure that the Japanese were disarmed and repatriated ; second , to rescue the prisoners of war ; and third , to restore law and order and maintain it until civilian authority could be restored .
22 Mr Clinton might say in June that he is renewing MFN until 1994 ; that he is looking at the application of other American laws to areas like weapons proliferation and trade abuses ; and that he is starting some ( as yet murky ) process to ensure that the Chinese are discharging their obligations under human-rights treaties .
23 Whilst we recognise that conditions favoured us in the first quarter in that weather-related losses were comparatively light , the worldwide nature of the improvement , together with encouraging indications so far in the second quarter , lead us to believe that the worst is behind us and that trends will continue to improve .
24 There is no reason to believe that the British are intrinsically poor linguists .
25 They do n't seem to understand that the 64 is the best-selling 8-bit , so it ca n't be that bad .
26 A way of upholding the outcome in Dip Kaur is to hold that the accused was not dishonest .
27 Callinicos is able to set the claims of such postmodern advocates as Charles Jencks and Linda Hutcheon against an analysis of Modernism ( predicated largely on that of Eugene Lunn ) in order to demonstrate that the latter is a good deal more complex in respect of its characteristic conceptions of the subject , expression , reflexion etc , than the former are wont to have it .
28 A tankard on the compartment table sits as a reminder of the glories of Soviet technology — sputniks and rockets spin out of a world inhabited by the Spassky Tower and an olive branch — and , as if to demonstrate that the mundane is as attainable as the sublime , not a spoon rattles , not a single drop of sweet Georgian tea is spilt , as the carriage is smoothly elevated and the task of fitting a Chinese-gauge undercarriage is taken in hand .
29 Without going into the minutiae of the terms of these and other benefits , it is important to appreciate that the former is means tested , so depending on the financial circumstances of your spouse , marriage could result in your benefit being stopped .
30 Thomas Martyn ( who early in the next century brought out a revised edition of Miller 's later large Dictionary ) said of the signatories ‘ I have reason to suppose that the above were united in a society for the improvement of gardening , that Mr. Miller acted as their secretary and that the work was in some degree the produce of their joint efforts ’ .
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