Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the next [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Time to reflect that the next deployment is to Denmark in the autumn , then Norway in winter , before the delights of northern Italy in spring .
2 I think you have to remember that the next line begins , If , so it 's not just a pro it is , it is a nationalistic song , but it 's not just a proclamation that they will be , erm ,
3 The fact that they have been asked to continue until the next World Cup makes good common sense and I hope it is a sign that at long last someone at the top is finally making the right decisions .
4 Lord Wylie agreed that the case should be allowed to proceed and the next stage , if there is no appeal to the House of Lords , is likely to be a legal debate on whether it is time-barred .
5 It is often quite unacceptable to wait until the next committee meeting for a report on what has been accomplished by Ms Smith and Mr Jones .
6 But there are reasons to think that the Next Steps programme may create problems of political accountability .
7 They are often laid to coincide with the female 's moult to ensure sufficient time for the eggs to develop before the next moult is due .
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