Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] the two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Such were the exchanges that Boswell , with his ( by our standards ) imperfect means of record , noted down — and even had time to comment that the two men had begun to ‘ agree like brothers , .
2 Director Terence Young was delighted to find that the two actors seemed intent on working seriously — except for Marvin 's first scene which followed a boozy lunch and featured an equally boozy Marvin .
3 Since most promoters can form stable open complexes under the conditions used , the heparin inhibition was interpreted to indicate that the two promoters were forming unstable complexes ( presumably open complexes , since the incubation temperature was 37°C ) .
4 The lines began to shake and the two flags that were pushed into the heaps of stones soon fell over , but Bobbie ran across and picked up one of them .
5 They 'll be trying to establish whether the two crimes are related or not . ’
6 Both Simon and Bladud have fatal attempts at flight , black magic and heresy in common , and it is easy to see that the two stories could have become confused .
7 In the canteen queue , Marcus was startled to see that the two men in front were holding hands : a lumbering man in his twenties and a boy who did n't look old enough to be in prison , who was as pretty as a girl .
8 Many contemporaries believed that Richard was unwilling to wait until the two Kings had completed their long-drawn-out preparations .
9 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
10 It is possible to suggest that the two poets resemble one another .
11 Dot tried to imagine that the two women in front were her footmen and she was one of the royal princesses , preferably Margaret because she would n't have to be queen which would be quite a responsibility if you thought about it , going for a drive in a carriage with her regal dogs and her regal flowers .
12 Here , though , rather than distinguishing between them , I want to assert that the two conceptions had important common aspects .
13 The Court of Appeal held that the jurisdiction clause was not binding on B. The way the documents were presented to him for signature was misleading : B was entitled to assume that the two copies of the terms were identical .
14 However , it would be simplistic to conclude that the two Mcs ( McLuhan and McDonald 's ) have succeeded in shaping the global village in the form of a fast food outlet or that the ‘ real ’ world is in the process of being reconstructed as a universal theme park along the lines of Disneyland .
15 A special relationship between the two groups remained , and the physical conditions of the Greek theatre ( as it subsequently evolved ) continued to ensure that the two groups were never in actual opposition to each other .
16 Given the parallel problems that the CNAA and the universities would face as validators of the DipHE and/or the new BEd , Edwin Kerr and Sir Kenneth Berrill , Chairman of the UGC , took the initiative to propose that the two organizations should convene a conference to discuss the DipHE and the BEd .
17 Did the trade union movement really fail to grasp that the two pre-conditions were : first , that its sense of responsibility must be seen not to be limited to a commitment in the shorter term to contribute to recovery from immediate crisis , but to extend , at the expense of short-run advantage , to the longer term commitment , to the revival of British industry and to its successful competition in world markets ; and secondly , that a Labour Government would have to preside over the management of the country 's affairs ?
18 He fails to mention that the two studies recorded in common from at least two folia in the ventral paraflocculus and he fails to cite the fact the individual Purkinje cells in these folia show the same effects reported by both groups .
19 When I reappear in my flat I am not surprised to learn that the two doughballs have said absolutely nothing .
20 We came to think that the two features were of the same date , as there was no construction trench cut into the rampart front for the insertion of the wall .
21 This could not be explained , other than to say that the two things caused the passage to " jar " .
22 She has managed to reveal that the two men kidnapped near her home in Moston , North Manchester .
23 The problem of organization went back to the 1881 Scheme which Higginson If I understood that Scheme at all " — took to mean that the two schools ( Upper and Lower ) were to he united absolutely into one .
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