Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 This may lead owners to worry that the dog 's diet is deficient in some respect , but if you are using a balanced prepared food , then there should be no concern about this .
2 It is easy enough to accept that a child 's first word should label its mother , until we start to think about it : why should a child connect sounds with objects at all ?
3 He also refuses to accept that the vicar 's status in society is on the wane , despite the Cluedo move .
4 How reassuring to know that the BSC 's chairman , Lord Rees-Mogg , is passing the evening of his days in gainful employment .
5 On the 18th Braid hit his 2nd shot into the road and he ‘ might have damaged the steam roller ’ so it is some comfort for us to know that the course 's own architect was penalised by his own design .
6 For those who have survived the recession intact there has been too much self-interest , need and greed , stab and grab , call it what you will , and companies I believe are suddenly beginning to realise that integrity , ethics and pragmatism may have a ‘ bottom line ’ value in the years to come that the accountant 's profit culture attitude may change a little .
7 The Lickbarrow v. Mason decisions by the House of Lords were the first ( at least in Anglo-American law ) to establish that a consignor 's right to stop the goods before they reached the consignee was subordinate to the rights of the consignee 's endorsee holding such a bill .
8 It was because of this that it became so important for a buyer to establish that the seller 's representation amounted to a contractual term so that full damages would then be available .
9 The judge said he was merely holding that McCrory , of Belfast 's Shankhill Road , who is on remand on a charge of conspiracy to murder , had failed to establish that the governor 's decision was unreasonable .
10 The hearing officer held that it was for the employee to establish that the employer 's possession of patent protection was an influential factor in persuading the customer to order wholly non-patented items while awaiting the redesign of the patented invention .
11 In those early days , its isolation on the distant north-west coast seemed to make it unattainable by anyone who had only feet to get him there and whose opportunities were restricted by a busy working life south of the Border , although later I was to discover that a MacBrayne 's bus made the forty-six-mile journey to and from Lairg every weekday .
12 With a dexterity that did his age credit , the old man stopped the sweating horse and accosted John-Augustus , who was much relieved to discover that the stranger 's own preoccupation blocked out any interest in his own .
13 The first occasion was in October 1991 , when I descended the station steps to find that the ELR 's intentional BR(LMR) 1950s image of maroon and straw everywhere , supplemented by ‘ double sausage ’ signs , had been suppressed .
14 When we turn to trade in services it is no surprise to find that the UK 's net income from financial services has grown dramatically as the City 's banking and financial business has grown .
15 The judge declined to find that the mother 's removal of the child from Ontario was wrongful .
16 ( B ) the word ‘ solicitor(s) ’ is sufficient in itself to indicate that a solicitor 's jurisdiction of qualification is England and Wales . ’
17 Questioners also want to know if the government 's acceptance of an amendment to the present Energy Bill — which will force the electricity supply industry to consider combined heat and power schemes ( CHP ) as a statutory duty — heralds a shift in policy .
18 The social researcher must make compromises … between roles as scientist and citizen ; between commitment and impartiality ; between openness and secrecy , honesty and deception ; and between the public right to know and the citizen 's right to privacy and protection … the onus for making decisions in practice rests with the individual researcher .
19 It would be nice to know who these nobles were ; or even to know whether the chronicler 's choice of phrase was due to ignorance or a desire for brevity or for the sake of discretion .
20 That morning , as usual , he found nothing to complain of , so instead he wheeled on me to demand whether the boat 's electronic instruments were functioning properly .
21 In La Route des Flandres , the fluctuations between first and third person mean that it is not possible to contend that the novel 's discourse is organized entirely around the consciousness of the central character Georges , who otherwise seems to be re-creating his experiences in the course of a night in bed with the widow of his commanding officer , some time after the wartime conflict .
22 By a respondent 's notice dated 21 January 1992 the foster mother sought to contend that the judge 's grant of leave under section 10(9) of the Act of 1989 should be affirmed on the grounds that if the Court of Appeal accepted the local authority 's test for the grant of leave to apply under section 10(9) the evidence justified the judge 's order .
23 The sheriff of Cumberland received orders to see that the Council 's commands were carried out in all respects .
24 Even through the thick net , it was plain to see that the squirrel 's right hind leg was damaged .
25 The job of our full-time fund raisers is to see that the RNLI 's use of such methods is as professional as can be . ’
26 " Who does not know " , said Alexander III in 1886 of Gorchakov 's successor , " that the pitiful Giers ( N.K. Giers , foreign minister 1881 – 94 ) is nothing more than an executor of my will ? " , while almost two decades later an even more self-effacing foreign minister had no doubt that " my duty consists in telling the emperor what I think about every question , and then when the Sovereign decides I must obey unconditionally and try to see that the Sovereign 's decision is executed " .
27 This is to acknowledge that the court 's role is merely to act as a long-stop .
28 The ‘ development theory ’ made it too easy to claim that a state 's interests were at stake at the first sign of legitimate criticism .
29 To claim that the government 's record since 1979 has been the product only of instinct or opportunism , displaying no coherence , is , I would suggest , to carry scepticism too far .
30 Meanwhile we should perhaps consider what state we would be in , were we to agree that the sceptic 's argument is effective .
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