Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The tack traveller must be bold , prepared to go where no tourist dares to step with the tack antennae on constant alert .
2 Where the purchaser has commissioned an accountants ' report , it is normal practice to request that the vendor warrants the accuracy of the report .
3 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
4 ‘ But there 's no use in creating false expectations … the question is whether there 's a will to accept that the killing has to stop . ’
5 If we add to these the possibility that juries sometimes acquit notwithstanding convincing evidence of guilt , we have to accept that an acquittal does not indicate that the police were wrong to conclude that the accused was guilty .
6 Anyway it 's nice to know that no time has been wasted though I do n't imagine there will be much energy left for the Finer Things .
7 But it is one thing for us to know that a person needs God 's conviction and another thing to say so to him .
8 Obviously you get to know that a Gibson has a different tone from a Strat , and you 'd also know the kind of sound you wanted .
9 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
10 For most purposes it is enough to know that an enterprise makes losses — that its revenues are less than the sum of its wages , its cost of capital and its cost of material inputs ( raw materials , components , energy and so on ) .
11 ‘ It 's heartening to know that the refinery has stood the test of time despite the harsh climate , ’ reports chief engineer Tony Ferdinand .
12 That is , if the same grammatical tag is found more than once in a position it is necessary only to know that the tag occurs in that position and the best scores associated with that tag .
13 There are few parts of Prestel where you can get information of this quality for free and it is heartening to know that the service has been gradually tailored to users ' needs by the feedback AIS has received from the past year .
14 First of all you need to know that the legislation says that , you need to know the current practice is that , and I can tell you a couple of funny stories about what happened to Mrs Ingalls down the street . ’
15 In constructivism we view the organism-environment dyad from the outside and ask how it might be possible that an organism which has input systems and which is active could ever come to know that the environment exists .
16 Are employment figures alone sufficient to infer that the economy has shifted from a goods to a service economy , that the economy has moved from an industrial stage to a post-industrial stage .
17 Similarly , reconsider the example introduced as ( 8 ) above : ( 25 ) The flag is white Since I have given no further information about other colours the flag may contain , which might indeed be highly relevant to the proceedings , I may be taken to implicate that the flag has no other colours and is thus wholly white .
18 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
19 To establish that a vehicle has been stolen the Police must have a record of its reg no .
20 The word ‘ service ’ here needs emphasizing , too , for while it is simple to establish that the law requires the appointment of twelve Governors and that twelve have been appointed , a broadcasting service is organic , extensive , continuous — and difficult to evaluate .
21 you understand that the honourable gentleman wants to establish that the government has been extraordinarily dilatory , that er there is a massive delay , there is problem for electoral registration officers because that the regulations , the regulations depend upon a directive .
22 He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter , and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination , a search that in fact would portray not faith , but a lack of faith .
23 A company which has a subsidiary undertaking to which these requirements do not apply must take all reasonable steps to secure that the subsidiary keeps such records as will enable the directors of the parent company to ensure that any balance sheet and profit and loss account prepared under Part VII complies with the Act 's requirements .
24 Dabblers like the mallard seem to demand that the spiral moves clockwise from the eye over the full round forehead .
25 Later today , North West MPs from Merseyside , Cheshire , Lancashire and Manchester are meeting to demand that the Government keeps its promise to maintain the pits earmarked for closure .
26 It is true that to discover that an object has a particular fractal dimension D is a valuable addition to knowledge and replaces earlier imprecise characterisations such as ‘ spotty ’ , ‘ stringy ’ or ‘ lumpy ’ .
27 Worcestershire were next to discover that the demon remains intact , 7 for 29 bringing Sussex consecutive Championship victories for the first time since August 1990 .
28 Nor would it come as a total shock to discover that the world pulls out of the next slump the same way it did out of the last one , with a catastrophic world war . ’
29 Zander are so easy to catch once the pack has been located that you hardly need worry about any other aspect .
30 It is therefore possible , in theory at least , for a court to find that a trader has complied with the code but that such compliance nevertheless involved giving a misleading indication .
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