Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Nor can we believe that were we to allow this application , potential future witnesses would be deterred from co-operating in investigations yet to come or the police feel inhibited from giving future reassurance as to the consequences of such co-operation in the self-same terms as at present .
2 ( 2 ) 5.18(2) confers the right on an applicant , licence-holder , objector or complainer who appeared at the hearing to request that the board give their reasons for their decision in writing .
3 How , for example , is one to know that the students have an understanding of therapeutic diets ?
4 Nice to know that the Scum have not learnt to spell yet ! ! …
5 It may be helpful to know that the courts have treated the following as contracts of sale contracts : to make and supply ships ' propellers according to a specification , Cammell Laird v. Manganese Bronze & brass ( 1934 H.L. ) ; to prepare and supply food in a restaurant , Lockett v. A. & m .
6 I sympathise with my hon. Friend the Member for Kilmarnock and Loudoun ( Mr. McKelvey ) but surely he has been a Membeer long enough to know that the Government do not care .
7 It is useful , however , to know that the modules scan correctly when , for example , the headers have been generated by a novice user .
8 Also , the district judge ‘ … should endeavour to secure that the parties make all such admissions and agreements as ought reasonably to be made by them … . ’
9 He must endeavour to secure that the parties make such admissions and agreements as are reasonable .
10 Mr Brown and Mr Smith repeatedly intervened to demand that the Chancellor answer the simple question of whether pensioners would be fully compensated , which Mr Lamont repeatedly ducked , saying only that the worst off would receive help .
11 On 23 July 1258 he went with Roger Bigod , fourth Earl of Norfolk [ q.v. ] , and Simon of Montfort to demand that the Londoners accept ‘ whatever the barons should provide for the utility and foundation of the realm ’ ( Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum , pp. 38–9 ) .
12 Now hundreds of other unhappy youngsters will be encouraged to demand that the courts grant them a similar divorce , the girl 's solicitor warned yesterday .
13 But in most situations , when you 'd be asking a colleague on the same staff to work with you , you 'll need to find a way of working that is not going to cause massive disruption to the school timetable , that 's not going to demand that the headteacher come and cover one of your classes while you 're busy with your investigation into the disappearance of the crew of the Marie Celeste .
14 If you 've ever come home with newly bought make-up only to find that the colours do n't really suit you , take heart .
15 The letter E is added to the recipe formula to indicate that the endpoints have been smoothed ; the total smooth is now ‘ 3RHE ’ .
16 Because Boo is locked away , it makes his character very mysterious and at first it 's hard to know if the rumours spread around about Boo only coming out at night to hunt for his dinner , eating squirrels and peering in through people 's windows are true , but gradually as we read more into the book , we are given clues to suggest that he is not the monster , people make him out to be .
17 The main use of palaeomagnetic poles is to determine tectonic movement , when it is essential to know whether the rocks have been stamped by a normal or reversed field .
18 I should like to know whether the Opposition welcome the reduction of that £0.5 billion burden on British employers or taxpayers or whether they regret it and I am happy to give way now to the hon. Member for Sedgefield if he will answer that question .
19 Every effort should be made to discover whether the family have the ability to put themselves in hypothetical situations and conceptualise and deal with the difficulties that are likely to arise with the black child , particularly during adolescence .
20 Consequently , great care has to be taken when interpreting marks seen on aerial photographs , and wherever possible the site should be visited on the ground to establish whether the marks have resulted from a buried archaeological site or from some other cause .
21 The short list is drawn up on the advice of existing judges , seeking to establish whether the candidates combine the qualities of legal skills , status within the profession and ‘ respectability ’ .
22 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
23 When Luxembourg finally admitted what many had been saying for years , that it wants a federal EC , British federalists tried to pretend that the Luxembourgers do not mean federal when they say ‘ federal ’ .
24 There are days when it 's best to pretend that the children belong to someone else and yesterday was one of them .
25 The duty of the auditor is to see that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements and to see that proper accounting practices have been observed in the compilation of the accounts .
26 However , in the investigators ' study of deaf mothers and their infants they have begun to see that the mothers create the crucial joint reference naturally but differently by altering their own sign language .
27 We are glad to see that the Government continue in their efforts to press for long-term middle east peace and the settlement of the Palestinian problem .
28 Before these two areas are completely fixed together , the condyles of the mandible should be applied to the glenoid cavities , checking to see that the teeth occlude properly .
29 People wo n't admit it , they 're too busy grabbing to see that the lights have fused .
30 Old ‘ n ’ new mix just right Del Amitri : Middlesbrough Town Hall IT 'S been a while since Del Amitri toured and with current single Always The Last To Know nudging it 's way up the charts , I was pleased to see that the band have n't lost either their raw edge or their well developed sense of humour .
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