Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The tack traveller must be bold , prepared to go where no tourist dares to step with the tack antennae on constant alert .
2 Which in the sea was pretty futile really , I mean you just had to go where the sea took you .
3 My boss used to go where the mower had gone , but the fairways were narrow in 1965 and he found trouble when he missed them .
4 To summarize : the existing English law classifies as murder those killings where there was an intent to kill or an intent to cause grievous bodily harm .
5 And now the quarrel was under its own impetus , and once again a trial seemed to be in progress , with both of them as accusers , but both figuring also as investigators of the lowest description , wretched hirelings , turning over the stones to find where the filth lay buried .
6 Nor can we believe that were we to allow this application , potential future witnesses would be deterred from co-operating in investigations yet to come or the police feel inhibited from giving future reassurance as to the consequences of such co-operation in the self-same terms as at present .
7 Discretion always exists even over such matters as the pace of work , the attitude to work or the willingness to perform tasks .
8 ( 2 ) 5.18(2) confers the right on an applicant , licence-holder , objector or complainer who appeared at the hearing to request that the board give their reasons for their decision in writing .
9 Where the purchaser has commissioned an accountants ' report , it is normal practice to request that the vendor warrants the accuracy of the report .
10 Of the drought he had experienced on his last visit , Gould wrote that , ’ It is easier for the imagination to conceive than the pen to depict the horrors of so dreadful a visitation . ’
11 The practice of the present Auditor is to accept that a Tender lodged one week before a Proof is good in relation to the expenses of the Proof itself .
12 ‘ First , are we to accept that a man waded through water up to his neck to tie a noose to hang himself ?
13 The other , more plausible , avenue is to accept that the phenomena discussed would normally be established by linguistic means but that is in no way a necessary feature of them , and so no problem of principle need arise .
14 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
15 Whether or not we are prepared to accept that the Neanderthals had an advanced but abstract civilization , we are left with a question : what sort of civilization did the Neanderthals have ?
16 Marketers in Companies supplying industrial goods markets have therefore to accept that the situations faced by their companies in these markets are subject to a variety of different contingencies ( Or specific circumstances ) .
17 Mr Dorrell continued : ’ In the past the Inland Revenue has , I am told , felt able to accept that the allowances paid to volunteers did no more than reimburse them for their actual expenses .
18 ‘ But there 's no use in creating false expectations … the question is whether there 's a will to accept that the killing has to stop . ’
19 If we add to these the possibility that juries sometimes acquit notwithstanding convincing evidence of guilt , we have to accept that an acquittal does not indicate that the police were wrong to conclude that the accused was guilty .
20 Anyway it 's nice to know that no time has been wasted though I do n't imagine there will be much energy left for the Finer Things .
21 But it is one thing for us to know that a person needs God 's conviction and another thing to say so to him .
22 Obviously you get to know that a Gibson has a different tone from a Strat , and you 'd also know the kind of sound you wanted .
23 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
24 For most purposes it is enough to know that an enterprise makes losses — that its revenues are less than the sum of its wages , its cost of capital and its cost of material inputs ( raw materials , components , energy and so on ) .
25 As you all know our fund-raising project last years was the 200 Club and those of you who joined the club will be pleased to know that the venture made a good profit .
26 How , for example , is one to know that the students have an understanding of therapeutic diets ?
27 Nice to know that the Scum have not learnt to spell yet ! ! …
28 THE House will wish to know that the decision to separate has no constitutional implications … there is no reason why the Princess of Wales should not be crowned Queen in due course .
29 THE House will wish to know that the decision to separate has no constitutional implications … there is no reason why the Princess of Wales should not be crowned Queen in due course .
30 The House will wish to know that the decision to separate has no constitutional implications .
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