Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the two groups are as alike in all respects except that one of them , the experimental group , has received the supposedly causal treatment , the new teaching style , then any differences in academic attainment between the two groups must be due either to chance or to the causal factor .
2 I went often , partly because I enjoyed dancing and partly because we were offered the most delicious cakes , of a sort that was almost impossible to obtain except on the black market .
3 While it is comparatively easy to accept that in the primary years children have particular and specific qualities and that effective learning is most likely to take place in an environment which meets their intellectual , physical , social and emotional needs , it is much more difficult to define the components which make the learning environment effective .
4 Outside legal doctrine itself there has been a greater willingness to accept that in the large public company the shareholders may not perform the task of monitoring and controlling the management of the company , so that the managers are potentially left in a position of unchecked power .
5 Engels was at a loss to explain the Junker refusal to accept that after the French Revolution they could never again command the total obedience and respect they had once enjoyed from a cowed and illiterate peasantry .
6 ‘ But we have to accept that within the Asian community there is a hidden immorality . ’
7 The hon. Gentleman will want to know that during the past two years personal social services standard spending will have increased by nearly 33 per cent .
8 Erm that might , might interest you to know that during the past ten years I have personally entertained something like a hundred visitors from the States who are with their families er , of course , er returned here for a look , look round .
9 Having taken your bags of donated books from you at the church door last year , you may like to know that despite the awful rain this week , Christian Aid Sale funds stood at around £35K by noon today , so the total should be up on that figure .
10 How are Americans to know that to the Vulgar British ‘ Bristols ’ are breasts ( boobs/knockers/charlies/tits ) and ‘ cobblers ’ are testicles ( balls/bollocks/knackers/goolies ) ?
11 At any rate , it would be an exaggeration to speak of a collapse of militancy , or to infer that over the long term workers ' resistance can not be maintained .
12 I was happy to find that in the scholarly ( 237 references in 1991 ) introductory chapter written by the editors most of the territory was familiar .
13 It is easy to guess that in the general case one would have , instead , the potential due to all other charges .
14 Despite some of the language problems he grew to know and like the black and white constables of the patrols to which he was attached ; and to be accepted by them as a trusted companion under fire .
15 I entirely agree with this decision and with the passage cited but it is important to note that when Nolan J. spoke of the alternatives which ‘ must both be made available to the subject ’ he was , as I think , clearly referring to the alternative on the one hand of allowing the breath specimen to stand and on the other hand of exercising the right to have it replaced by a specimen of blood or urine in accordance with section 7(4) .
16 Hammam said Jones was a Sheffield United player at the time the video was compiled and that Wimbledon were unjustly being made to suffer because of the suspended sentence .
17 That 's the bit that people fe find a bit hard to er to accept because in the real world it does n't actually happen because there 's always some other force like air resistance , friction , road resistance from your tyres and , and it grad it always stops eventually .
18 If a country was facing a payments deficit , then short-term capital outflows would tend to increase because of the potential capital gains accruing to holders if that country devalued its currency .
19 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
20 He was also able to report that under the new chief executive , David Michels , the group had regained control of its runaway balance sheet position by selling its Ashbourne nursing home division , launching a well-received rights issue and restructuring the banking arrangements with a considerable reduction in the number of banks .
21 We did have to predict how much we could help ourselves financially and Joan is pleased to report that through the marvellous efforts made through fund-raising this prediction has been achieved .
22 He went on to report that on the previous Saturday , Field 's case had come before Mr.Justice Heath ; three of the four witnesses had been examined and there had been no evidence to prove that the deceased had received blows on her stomach , the diseased state of which organ caused her death .
23 I am glad to report that in the past few months we have made real progress with the car manufacturers .
24 He pulled on the goggles but still there was nothing to see except for the red embers of a dying fire emanating from some unknown source .
25 Indeed , as the country 's stalwart burghers give lusty tongue to the national anthem , Apres des siecles d'esclavage — ‘ After centuries of slavery ’ — there might be some cynics who would be tempted to reflect that under the present system they are not an awful lot better off .
26 The Opposition refused to answer that in the recent debate , and they have refused to answer it again today .
27 Folk are beginning to remember that in the late 1950s the Philippines was the wealthiest country in the region .
28 But while he captured the headlines with his anti-Soviet warnings and his proposals for Anglo-American co-operation , it is important to remember that in the short run his call for " a fraternal association " between the Anglo-Saxon powers was poorly received by a majority of Americans .
29 At the strategic level of integrating the territories into the Israeli economy , the competitive edge of Israel 's highly developed and heavily subsidized productive capacity in industry and agriculture destroyed the Palestinian sector almost in its entirety — although there was not an enormous amount to destroy because of the Jordanian legacy of economic neglect .
30 DUP leader the Rev Ian Paisley travelled to London today to urge the Commons to adjourn because of the recent bombings .
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