Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] the [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 So for the the water to go down the current to flow through .
2 If you 're willing to go down the route to drag hunting I am willing to support any hunt that wants to go down that route and I am sure this authority would .
3 Well that 's right , yes , and the other thing as well , I should n't really be telling you this , , because it 's bad news for us but , if you in fact write a long , rambling press release , what you will find is that the journalist will almost , almost certainly go three-quarters of the way down it to find the real story which is hidden in there , and occasionally that real story is purposely hidden down in there , and you know you look at any council minutes , and the real story is always , inevitably hidden down there , because it 's the bit that somebody does n't want people to know about , and so journalists are naturally trained to go down the bit to find out what 's it about .
4 When it was so cold in the winding shed at the mines that the men begged to go down the pit to get warm .
5 The company said it needed to scale down the business to keep costs under control .
6 Maybe life was too short to pass up the chance to experience the kind of volcanic passion she 'd felt with Roman last night …
7 So the state has no had to tighten up the law to cut the cost .
8 The sort of argument just presented emphasizes that large organizations are not monolithic and that attempts to tighten up the system to make them so do not necessarily yield improvements .
9 Following a critical report about screening , the Imperial Cancer Research Fund plans to tighten up the programme to catch victims earlier — saving up to 1,000 women a year .
10 to jump out the bed to find out .
11 ‘ It 's a double-action revolver , which means you have to pull back the hammer to cock it before firing . ’
12 It seems important , therefore , to try to establish how the decision to fight the election came about .
13 You do n't need to pump up the revs to get it to move swiftly and smoothly up through the gears , and it is n't a noisy performer by any stretch of the imagination .
14 Visitors should not be put off by the modern appearance of this roof , nor by the notice on the gate to the abbey field which indicates a slight trek back along the lane to Abbey Farm to pick up the key to view St Leonard 's Church , Kirkstead .
15 It is scarcely feasible for the communes to set up the apparatus to assess local household incomes ; this is a matter that is best left to the republics and provinces .
16 Right do we want to set up the mouse to display the environment , or what ?
17 Dustin had been working at his antique desk all morning on contact sheets of his wedding pictures , taken almost a year before , trying to pick out the ones to develop .
18 But Mr Rifkind appeared to rule out the scheme to pay fishermen to leave the industry .
19 Staff who had tried to buy out the company to keep it working say they 're devastated .
20 3 members of the management want to buy out the firm to save it .
21 This index enables you to select either the option to reserve a package or product name or alternatively reserve up to 29 source , foreign or pmodel names .
22 These ones up in the town , did the boatmen used to have to go up the town to find
23 Then , hopefully , we will be able to put together the results to jus-tify that big spending .
24 But for those who are unable or unwilling to put aside the time to meditate regularly , or who are more conscious of bodily stress , such techniques as acupuncture , postural integration and taking dietary supplements may also prove effective antidotes to the ravages of time .
25 They look set to put up the shutters to defy Owen Coyle , Alan Lawrence and Jimmy Boyle so it threatens to be pretty dour stuff .
26 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
27 She felt God had given her " a long rope to draw up the water to nourish her soul " .
28 ‘ But people have such bad financial problems at the moment , they have to give up the chance to study and go for whatever will fill their families ' stomachs . ’
29 Eventually , as much for hygienic reasons as out of a desire to conform with Moscow 's example of de-Stalinization , the Czechs were forced to give up the battle to keep Gottwald 's corpse from going green and bury him instead .
30 His difficulty is accompanied by a no doubt symptomatic increasing distrust of universals so that , in championing specificities against them , he seems to give up the attempt to validate the universals — History as Totalization — that originally formed the object of his project .
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