Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] with [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The idea is that when an instruction that is meant for a coprocessor is encountered , the coprocessor handles it leaving the main processor to carry on with other jobs .
2 The initial emphasis of the project was therefore linguistic and , clinically examined , it might have appeared that to carry on with current curricula , making the change of language policy the only variable , would have made for more easily comparable results .
3 ‘ The one you 've just done in Cheltenham ? ’ she asked , catching Cara 's excitement as she waited expectantly for her to go on with more details .
4 Am I right in thinking that you would n't want to go on with these incursions ?
5 Her greatest luxury in life was to sit down with baked beans on toast and watch television .
6 My staff and I welcome the opportunity to sit down with local exporters and importers to offer not only our own expertise but to provide the link to the truly international help that is available .
7 As a result she was renowned for her ability to cope patiently with awkward guests .
8 London had one of its worst thunderstorms , and she had had to cope alone with thirty women in varying stages of labour on the gynaecology ward .
9 Most teacher-training programmes include provision for trainees to sit in with other teachers so that they get some experience of the environment they will work in .
10 Some of the industry recognized that change was due and with various degrees of enthusiasm were prepared to go along with such proposals .
11 Well jus just to lighten the mood for a moment and to go along with high-falooting words here are some
12 The newly organised NCC predicted that developing the means and skills to communicate effectively with these groups , with whom it had not previously dealt , would constitute its biggest challenge in its efforts to protect the environment .
13 Mother had to struggle on with nine children making a terrible din , and almost drowning out her powers of concentration .
14 Consulted about these arrangements , many women choose to work only with other women as it inhibits them less .
15 Other knitters prefer to work only with digital patterns for Form .
16 Well , there were these round concrete blocks , with silos at the top , and they used to come in with these loads of scraps , tip it in and you know what we had to do ?
17 We need to work together with all agencies concerned about community care , ’ he said .
18 The goal came as City tried to struggle through with 10 men while Rick Holden was having four stitches in a mouth wound after colliding with team-mate Terry Phelan .
19 I 'm lucky , very lucky indeed you know just to come away with bruised ribs .
20 It is suggested that the pack is likely to work best with established groups , where these groups have not previously addressed sensitive personal areas .
21 They will continue to do so , whatever their number , while the problem is seen as mainly one of numbers , of needing more specialist staff to work individually with specific children , away from the learning situation where the difficulty occurs .
22 Latest results from an experiment designed to test a fundamental aspect of quantum theory show it to come through with flying colours .
23 the hypertext system needs to work directly with other tools .
24 And it reckons its enhanced JetDirect technology , which enables the new printers to work concurrently with personal computers , Macs , Unix workstations and a variety of networks is an important step towards this goal .
25 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
26 This is a branch of the Association devoted to the more senior ex-Manorians who would like to meet up with old friends , but who find it difficult to join in with the annual reunions .
27 For the travellers it 's a chance to meet up with old friends and enjoy themselves .
28 But whatever age , Stow offers them the chance to meet up with old friends and catch up on the gossip .
29 This is always a very popular event , one where you have the opportunity to meet up with old friends and we hope make new ones ; so please obtain your tickets early to avoid disappointment .
30 My husband suffered a stroke two years ago which has left him partially sighted , but he loves to meet up with old colleagues .
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