Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 What would he say of the masses of modern art that you have to plug in in order to fully appreciate ?
2 The boat hull and light aluminium masks and white roller jibs have to come down in tone to a light grey , and the varnished wood spars have to be darker ochre than those at the top .
3 What you do not want to be told is erm sorry you 've got to come down in person to our offices , they 're in Southend by the way , erm please bring along your passport certificate , D N A chart , and chit signed by erm the spiritual leaders of at least three merger major world religions .
4 EIGA reckons its plan will appeal to UK and European businesses ranging from hoteliers trying to set up in Moscow to oil giants eyeing the vast energy resources of Kazakhsthan .
5 Pressures in adolescence to conform e.g. in relation to alcohol abuse , drug abuse etc .
6 Well I 've said a few words about the Soviet Union but I would like to add that our programme of assistance to the Soviet Union and to other countries in central and Eastern Europe , while it 's had to grow rapidly in response to the urgent needs of reg region , it does not it has not grown and will not grow in any way er which will undermine our commitment to the developing world and er perhaps on that note I might turn to Africa .
7 Although there is almost complete freedom of trade , many traders choose not to do so in response to the prevailing wishes of their local communities .
8 The Special Commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to determine the appeals , and to do so in relation to the facts as found before them .
9 When older people think of the past they are not just taking stock of their lives but trying to decide what to do with the time that they have left , and trying to do so in relation to concluding or making sense of what has gone before .
10 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
11 Since then the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1989 have required us to do likewise in relation to investment business and to audit work .
12 There is nothing wrong with such fear if it leads a Christian to cry out in weakness to God and exercise faith .
13 Successful businesses are highly adaptable — they demonstrate an ability to change rapidly in response to market demands , client needs and public perceptions .
14 Consideration is also being given to issues associated with the profile of the University 's staff by sex , ethnic origin , and grade , and this work is expected to develop further in relation to the University 's equal opportunities policy .
15 Norman Williamson who rode him at Leopardstown , observed afterwards that he was a National horse when talking to Richard Dunwoody about the race and if Richards has retained his old magic , then there could quite well be another National winner destined to return home in triumph to his Lake District stables .
16 These changes followed the exchange rate realignments of January 1987 , and the basis for concern was that individual EC countries ' currencies continued to move differently in response to the depreciation of the US dollar .
17 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
18 In Britain 's case it also remains true that she has to make up in sales to the world outside the EEC that which she loses by running a heavy deficit with the Community .
19 This may be an easy point to win , but it fails to answer the question : is it part of the legitimate exercise of freedom for the press to speak out in opposition to a popularly elected government operating in a situation of uncertain stability , with the ever-present threat of division and disunity ?
20 Erm that that I think relates to I think there are two important points t to make here in relation to forty one thousand .
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