Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It will please the Colonel to see them at the breakfast-table in the morning , ’ I-said .
2 ‘ You 've got chilblains ! ’ their mother said when she came to see them at the beginning of December .
3 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
4 The public would still pay to see them at the cinema .
5 ‘ I 've to see them at the bank shortly — there 's that Buttering to be fixed , and no money for it wi'out they 'll give me a loan . ’
6 I could tell Gillian and Stuart were n't thrilled to see me at the airport .
7 So er I thought a alright then , so I I went off like and I just heard erm and said , I went up to see her mother like and , I told her mother about it , like and that and erm her mother says different now , that she came round to see me at the time to tell , to give me a telling off like over her friend .
8 If you want to keep the existing pipes ( perhaps using a tap adaptor ) , use a bath/basin spanner to disconnect them at the top .
9 But , Szeliga says : ‘ We are not coming in to buy market share ; we aim to promote ourselves at the quality and mid-priced end of the market .
10 ‘ There will be no great welcome back here for the tour party — the only people to meet them at the airport will be their wives , ’ he said bitterly .
11 Jenny was supposed to meet me at the airport . "
12 A talkative Bruce Willis dropped me outside the London flat fifteen minutes later ( you can assess the situation on the way upstairs ) , and Kenneth came down to meet me at the door .
13 The man was going to meet me at the bottom of Ber Street .
14 ‘ I thought my secretary told you to meet me at the house in Edinburgh ?
15 Those statements may be true or false , but there is nothing in their form to exclude them at the outset from consideration .
16 ‘ Excuse me , Dudley , I have to meet someone at the station . ’
17 He told Maurin he 'd pretended she wanted to meet you at the museum .
18 The man at the top leaves go once you 've got it well resting on the ladder and he runs down the stairs to meet you at the bottom by which time you 've got to the bottom rung , he comes takes one side of the wardrobe , you take the other and that 's all there is to it .
19 I do n't know if any of you have ever been to Newcastle before — if not , I 'd be happy to meet you at the station , or wherever , ( as long as it 's not too early in the morning ! ! ) , take you for a drink , and show you how to get to the ground .
20 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
21 He also told you to ask Sir Charles to meet you at the moor gate .
22 ‘ I never dreamed I 'd come back to find you at the head of a company .
23 Crilly tells me to meet him at the Hope and Vixen in half an hour .
24 We were to meet him at the airport , and when we were making all the arrangements with him on the phone , he said , ‘ Are you sure you 'll be able to recognize me ? ’
25 We went out to meet him at the airport and Signe hugged him and told him how much she 'd missed him and how she had cooked all his favourite foods for one vast homecoming meal but she had had an urgent phone call about sickness in the family and the dinner had all burned up so now we must eat in a restaurant .
26 The next day Mr Foggerty told the four boys to meet him at the Town baths after school .
27 It is not necessary for you to meet him at the moment — in fact , he is not here right at this moment — but you may use the telephone .
28 ‘ Nobody 's finding it very easy to meet him at the moment , ’ said Charlotte .
29 Kate had decided to skip the afternoon 's classes and arranged to meet him at the boatyard near the Tech .
30 Several months before , he had been almost sleek , thanks to fourteen-mile walks and his wife 's efforts to police him at the table .
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