Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 He expects me to carry on up at the manor as though it 's just another working day. ?
2 Two species of butterfly fish have been observed to swim slowly backwards at the first hint of trouble , making their false eyes seem even more real .
3 They 've agreed they 're gon na use this federation one as a short stop gap an an I think Paul 's point is spot on , it might be a bit silly to jump in just at the moment
4 A good result and a very necessary one because I think that helps you to pull away slightly at the top of the table ; before this match , Egham were in third place .
5 But it 's a Rozario 's got to come off now at the moment he 's just er a big sums it up there .
6 Central heating is actually fairly easy to sort out right at the beginning provided you are clear about certain facts .
7 Within a moment of her arrival St Ives put on the rimless spectacles he detested , though usually he preferred to squint blindly down at the book rather than be seen in them .
8 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
9 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
10 Thus , to grasp properly the significance of popular dancing in the mid-nineteenth century — the waltz , for example — it is necessary to look not only at the waltz culture of the popular classes but also at such factors as : the peasant sources of the waltz ; the use made of those sources in bourgeois culture ; the changing social relations involved in the growth of industrial capitalism , to which the romanticizing of popular culture found in bourgeois waltzing , together with its cultivation of an explicit sensuality , was probably a reaction ; the tendency of the social developments to result in the atomization of established collective social patterns and modes of corporeal expression , leading , among avant-garde composers , to a music more overtly of thought and feeling , as against a music of social gesture ; the way these same composers , by way of reaction to that situation , incorporated spiritualized versions of dance elements in their music .
11 In doing so , the committee had to look not only at the use of coal in power stations but also the increasing use of gas .
12 Those who will seek to understand United States policy on Kuwait , Somalia and Bosnia in the 1990's will want to look not only at the personalities and style of presidents and advisers , but at the content of the knowledge base of their DSS , and above all at those who designed the system and created its rule base .
13 This argument seems to have had some effect , for while the Chancellor of the Exchequer was asked to look more closely at the dollar costs of overseas forces , the Defence Ministry 's view that no further cuts in forces should be sought was accepted .
14 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
15 However , before describing the dispute and the practices of the two main schemes to emerge out of the compromise , it will be useful to look more closely at the work of the ASEA which , in its legacy to the service , was the most influential of all the voluntary agencies .
16 It seems to me interesting and useful here to engage in a more detailed breakdown of the curriculum , and to look more closely at the ‘ components ’ or ‘ activities ’ that , when added together , make up the ‘ curriculum course ’ or topic .
17 In order to look more closely at the assistance reading can give to growth — in both its cognitive ( intellectual ) and affective ( emotional ) aspects — we adopt the list of types of development mentioned in the last chapter .
18 While manufacturers go to great lengths to produce the many excellent ‘ artificial ’ diets without which the fishkeeping hobby would certainly not have developed to today 's high standards , it is up to the fishkeeper to look more closely at the food requirements of his fish and provide what is necessary .
19 It is time to look more closely at the imperative for which we have so far been getting along on a rough formulation , ‘ Face facts ’ .
20 Our need to look more closely at the working relationship is not that strife and strikes are an issue of constant interest , nor that work conflicts are part of the distressing experience of vast numbers .
21 This meant that sociologists have had to look more closely at the idea of ‘ skill ’ , at the kinds of skills which were being introduced , and at the effects of the Youth Training Scheme upon both the labour market and upon young people .
22 As to that other view of housewives as oppressed workers , we need to look more closely at the extent of women 's overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction with housework .
23 To understand the processes behind the definition of housework rules it is necessary to look more closely at the way in which women identify with the role of housewife ; this is the subject of the next chapter .
24 If you want to look more closely at the do 's and don'ts of borrowing , read another booklet in this series , ‘ How to Borrow Money ’ .
25 First , it is necessary to look more closely at the relationship between profit maximisation and aggregate wealth maximisation , and to introduce an additional reservation .
26 It is important to look more closely at the ways in which , regardless of the possession of a direct capacity to disrupt the political system , particular groups enjoy an institutionalized relationship to the political system .
27 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
28 We need to look more closely at the applications of mathematics and to consider using mathematics to challenge racist assumptions .
29 It also enabled them to look more closely at the environment in which people are taught . ’
30 To see this we need to look more closely at the essentially simple idea , taken from mathematics , of the property space .
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