Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He wanted men to go on with living the good life .
2 Does the Minister believe that a vitally important stabilisation fund for Russia can be made to work successfully without tackling the problems of food supply in Russian markets , especially when we consider the consequences for money supply and wage inflation ?
3 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
4 He categorizes the transformation of the inexpressible " visceral " need through four stages , ending up with a " compromised " need which requires extensive negotiation with the assistance of a librarian to come close to fulfilling the original visceral need .
5 ‘ This will allow us to concentrate more on developing the growth potential of our remaining newspapers operations . ’
6 Veins can be identified by their faintly blue colour and they may be made to stand out by restricting the flow of blood back to the heart .
7 Try and understand what the interviewer will be hoping to find out by asking the questions , so that your replies can be relevant and informative .
8 Mandarin 's jockey Fred Winter , four times champion , was no stranger to Auteuil yet still had to work hard at memorizing the peculiar configurations of the course .
9 This ease of discourse and assumption of shared experience is encoded for the reader , who does not have to work hard in processing the referent of the definite description " the distant woods ' .
10 Goffman 's notion of footing seems to come closest to encapsulating the complex of participant-oriented factors which are involved .
11 It is designed to act out potential accidents that could occur in a full-scale , commercial reactor , and it claims to come closer to recreating the real thing than any other testing facility .
12 Taking over someone else 's project when it 's half complete is never easy , there is little attraction for new blood to slog away at fulfilling the ambitious plans of others .
13 Ardiles , eager to bounce back after losing the Newcastle job to Kevin Keegan , declared an immediate interest in the Hawthorns ' vacancy before the dust had settled on Bobby Gould 's departure .
14 This in turn may help us to postulate structures beneath the surface , sequences and relations of acts , which may help us to go further towards finding the answer to our original problem : what is it that makes stretches of language coherent and communicative ?
15 To go further in curtailing the freedom of expression would be , almost certainly , to go too far .
16 Kennedy saw it in what he termed a policy of ‘ constructive repression ’ — which upon examination turns out to consist mainly in restoring the autonomy of the local official , who will be set free from bureaucratic control to go once again among the people , exercising ‘ sympathy ( in its true and not its debauched sense ) ’ , conducting his business in the vernacular , abandoning that ‘ cold aloofness ’ which is ‘ a vice in a ruler ’ , and seeing that the Crown 's Indian subjects are well-governed , harmless , and content .
17 The wines to look out for include the ruby-red Agilanico del Vulture .
18 He has three holes left to play today before starting the final round .
19 Ministers are being asked to look again at halving the year-long entitlement to unemployment benefit .
20 Caterplan Division 's marketing director Rob Nichols , urged the winners to encourage school leavers to look seriously at joining the industry .
21 We ca n't go on paying ourselves that sort of money , we ca n't go on , and Mr I know in a minute we 'll talk about the number of people who attend committee meetings erm and sit in on them , and that 's increased considerably , erm , so I think it 's important that we do get down to this problem , we grasp the nettle , and I , I believe that will mean that we start to look seriously at reducing the number of times members come and talk here , and perhaps we let the officers get on with the action that they should be getting on with
22 He is also keen to press on with modernising the party 's policy-making machinery , a process which took a jump forward yesterday when delegates approved an executive consultation paper on the block vote and reform of the conference .
23 In early 1855 he intended to press on after assessing the degree of continuing Anglo-French hostility and the extent to which the Sultan 's Christian subjects had rallied to his banner .
24 It is Alfieri 's character that I want to examine , and I shall attempt to do so by presenting the individual trails that made the character .
25 Should you wish to cancel the Bond , you then have 14 days to do so by returning the Notice to Midland Life .
26 But he chose to do so by exploiting the lieutenancy offered to him by Philip the Fair in 1295 , rather than by rebellion against the crown .
27 It will try to do so by explaining the nature and future of the country 's trade surplus .
28 The reformist politician has already been forced to make compromises in the new party programme he has drafted , and has even had to put up with seeing the dreaded word ‘ Marxism ’ inserted into the version he will be proposing to the delegates today .
29 Do you want to move into the hospital altogether , and get me to put up with losing the little of your company I do get ?
30 We were given tasks , but then the tasks had been given to certain people like yourself , starting to want to do the other things , that other people were doing , and then everybody wanted to do instead of doing the tasks that they were set .
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