Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Long after he left to become a flight engineer it continued to light them through the war and for many years after .
2 County cricketers were paid for the summer and only the best were given a reduced wage to see them through the winter .
3 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
4 These were the children some of the teachers looked down on because they came to school with unmended holes in their jumpers , or no proper shoes , only canvas sandshoes to see them through the winter .
5 Luckily this family all weighed in at over 15 grammes … and that means enough fat to see them through the winter .
6 The woodmen never broke up those temporary dwellings which they built to see them through the weekdays of the felling season .
7 They have received it in the shape of detailed educational theory carefully worked out to see them through the maturation process from infancy to adulthood .
8 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
9 Senada and her children , Mevlida ( 16 ) , Sanel ( 15 ) , Saliha ( 12 ) and Jasmina ( 11 ) , now have changes of clothes to see them through the week , cash in their pockets , and the run of Bob 's kitchen and store-cupboards , which were pre-stocked with macaroni and pasta for their arrival .
10 ‘ I buy enough marmalade at local fayres to see me through the year .
11 I was on my way to Glen Nevis with enough gear to see me through the night .
12 They would.become animals , ferocious , feral , fervent in their lust for the sap of life to sustain them through the cold .
13 Councillors and officials will demand that such ships should have a mandatory duty to contact the Orkney Harbour 's Department and that the Government should pay for a tug to escort them through the Pentland Firth .
14 He extended a hand , tried to shake hers through the gap in the door .
15 Customs have now announced a change to the way the second hand scheme for cars operates , so that second hand car dealers who acquire cars from these businesses may continue to sell them through the scheme .
16 Retirement combines these two aspects of companionship , on the one hand an increasing rate of loss , and on the other , less social opportunity to replace them through the place of work .
17 Its one rolling , swollen eye was fixed on Cardiff even as the thing thrashed with blackened , elongated and monstrously deadly arms at the brickwork , trying to heave itself through the aperture and into the basement .
18 Luke came round the car and took her arm in a firm grasp to lead her through the gate and up the path to the front door .
19 She held out her hand to lead him through the courtyard , stopping at the fountain which was lit by soft moonlight .
20 He was toting the gun for a purpose — to shoot her through the head or knock her unconscious , or both .
21 She put her hand up to her veil and started to chew it through the material .
22 Nowadays , increasingly , we try to listen to such works as Acis and Galatea and the Cecilian Ode in the form in which Handel composed them ; to hear them through the prism of the classical musical consciousness is disconcerting .
23 I always take a bottle of claret and a meat pie to help me through the service and , when it 's finished , I gaze around to catch the eye of some pretty maid .
24 The course is designed to give you a grasp of the basic rules and how to apply them through the means of classroom teaching , practical activities , brainstormers , puzzles and the use of the microcomputer .
25 For cases where an option handles a large amount of information , an index form , showing the names of all fields which are handled by the option can be used to help you through the option .
26 Betty , suspect , generates a larger than average amount of her own static electricity aggravated by pushing the carriage to and fro and she has begun to discharge herself through the machine .
27 Your reward , as carer , is knowing that you have done your best to make the patient comfortable and happy , and to help him through the recovery process from his illness , however long it takes .
28 The grieving widow was rich and powerful enough to hound anyone through the courts .
29 In the early part of 1992 you will learn of some exciting developments that will take place to help us through the year and indeed the future .
30 Sometimes , too , the return of even a class player such as Sean Lineen can actually have an inhibiting effect for there was an unmistakable tendency either to channel everything through the Scotland centre or else turn the ball back inside .
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