Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb -s] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Warranties ‘ are other obligations which , though they must be performed , are not so vital that a failure to perform them goes to the substance of the contract . ’
2 He needs to know he belongs to the new family , that he is ‘ accepted in the beloved one ’ ( Eph. 1:6 ) .
3 Many of us would like to know what happens to the information that is collected during questioning when there is no subsequent conviction .
4 In fact , to study the sealpoint Siamese coat pattern is to observe what amounts to a temperature map of the animal 's body surface .
5 1.1 Modern judicial views on the ambit of the doctrine In Petrofina ( Great Britain ) Ltd v Martin [ 1966 ] Ch 146 two members of the Court of Appeal attempted to define what amounts to a restraint of trade .
6 Miss Pollard — also a TV fashion commentator at events like Royal Ascot — added : ‘ While the Sunday Express has no wish for a dispute with Buckingham Palace we do not believe it would be proper to publish what amounts to a correction . ’
7 It is about people coming to identify and express personal feelings , wishes and circumstances and coming to understand what contributes to the positive and negative of their existence .
8 In the second case a manager is appointed with authority , delegated by top management , to control what happens to the project in all functional departments , and to whom functional department managers are required to provide an adequate service .
9 He ought , whether he remains technically an employee or is treated as a partner or is classified as somewhere between the two ( eg taxed under Sched D on his " salary " ) , to be in a position to know enough about his firm to judge what amounts to a reasonable restriction and not to need the court 's protection if he should have agreed to covenants in stringent terms .
10 Marshall seems to think it relates to the oyster farm negotiations , but as no money , has yet been received on that account I don t see why commission had to be paid in advance , particularly at a time when the group is pressed for cash .
11 James ( 1890 ) was perhaps the first to offer what amounts to an associative account of the acquired distinctiveness of cues .
12 Heading north or south , try a little banking movement to see what happens to the reading .
13 With this in mind , there is a project at one site in the Cotswolds where a population of badgers known to be infected with bovine TB is being left alone to see what happens to the badgers and also to herds of cattle in the area .
14 You 'll have to wait to see what happens to the Famous Five until he can read it to you in his own inept fashion .
15 It is necessary , in my judgment , to look at the facts somewhat closely to see what amounts to a discharge and how far the reasoning can be applied to the case , not of joint and several debtors , but of several debtors alone , albeit all liable for the same debt .
16 Unfortunately for those of a nervous DOSposition ( rotten pun , I know ) the FastLynx package has no install utility , so setting up the device drivers to enable what amounts to a two machine network involves rolling up the sleeves and getting stuck into editing a file or two .
17 That is to say she conforms to the masculinist construction of femininity .
18 Alternatively , the industry could be in the hands of a private firm which would have its prices regulated by the state in such a way as to earn what approximates to a normal rate of return on capital employed .
19 This enables a full investigation of the decision maker 's preferences to occur which leads to a satisfactory allocation of resources by the end of the solution procedure .
20 Annie Fischer 's version of the Schumann was originally coupled with Liszt 's First Piano Concerto , and this recording is now re-issued with Johann Strauss 's Die Fledermaus Overture and the classic 1960 account of the Overture and Incidental Music to A Midsummer Night 's Dream by Mendelssohn ( ) , to make what amounts to a delightfully planned orchestral concert .
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