Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb infin] like [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's right , I 'm not begging food this time but clothing , have you anything to make me look like a man from these parts ? ’
2 You 're never going to make me sound like a human being , because people like to think I 'm Dracula 's mother but I did have a rotten time at the start and it 's only just getting better .
3 I see you 've talked to Pickerage , ’ said Mr Crumwallis , his long , bony body now fully inside and draped up against the doorpost , his head poked forward , the whole effect being to make him look like a bereaved ostrich .
4 There was no call to make him look like an Anglo-Saxon writing in schoolboy French by altering it to sauce de moutarde .
5 we tried to make her look like a person .
6 ‘ Stapleton had the idea of buying a huge hound , and of using the phosphorus to make it shine like the hound in the story .
7 They were made to make it look like a robbery .
8 There was n't even much attempt to make it look like a mugging ; he still had his wallet .
9 Twist each sheet slightly to make it look like a petal .
10 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
11 And apart from the garden that you said that you made it lovely while you were there , what other things did you do to make it look like a home ?
12 The bottle had been used to make it look like a sexual attack .
13 We got charge accounts at Bloomingdales and stores like that , so we were always dressed fabulously and we were always sitting around in fabulous restaurants , charging for fabulous meals with all manner of people , which was all Tony 's plan to make it look like the most successful rock and roll company going .
14 This is all part of the same project described by Simone de Beauvoir and Hélène Cixous , a project of defining gender in a particular way and trying to make it look like an essence , something real and unchanging and natural and necessary .
15 ‘ The corpse was then moved to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident . ’
16 They found Lady Eleanor dead in her chamber and , concerned about the possible consequences , took her body to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident .
17 matchsticks together and then I stuck one half on top of the other to make it look like an extending ladder .
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