Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb past] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond a certain stage it becomes pointless to indicate what went into the landscape of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
2 More timid children who are just watching can be encouraged to remember who went into the tunnel first and watch for them coming out again .
3 ‘ It 'd be heartbreaking to see it turned into a car park . ’
4 As the light began to fail he retreated into the shelter of the fir plantation to watch the road for McQuaid 's car .
5 but I 've got this C I T B N V Q stuff really to sort of to see what went into an N V Q's package
6 A day or two before she was due to move she ran into a man she had known as a rather mysterious friend of Simon 's who used to turn up on leave now and again during the war .
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