Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a scene where I wanted to keep my clothes on and I told Adrian ‘ They do n't have to see my breasts in every shot , do they ? ’
2 Subjects affected by such apprehension will tend to modify their responses in a way they think the experimenter considers them to be healthy .
3 The likelihood of Britain having to meet her obligations in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula increased in step with the raucousness of Radio Cairo 's ‘ The Voice of the Arabs ’ , adjuring all true followers of Islam to oust every vestige of European colonialism from their lands .
4 This is , they say , a bit inconvenient as they have to meet their girlfriends in the Charles Hawtrey Patio at the Duck and Forceps at midday .
5 Despite Second Lieutenant Keith 's orders to keep their positions , his soldiers swarmed over the trenches to meet their counterparts in No Man 's Land .
6 The trend for suburban dwelling was set by the wealthy , and planned suburbs appeared in order to meet their needs in the 1860s .
7 He had said he might be late , after all , and she decided to snatch a few more moments of privacy to recharge her batteries in the one place in the whole luxurious house where she was able to relax and feel she was her own person .
8 Since the 1950s the USSR has tried to persuade Latin American governments that trade with the eastern bloc should be ‘ a major element in the Latin American countries ’ drive for economic independence' , since it would enable them ‘ to gain more favourable terms with the industrially developed capitalist states , to consolidate their forces in the struggle against foreign monopolies [ and ] to expand their export ( sic ) and develop their industry and agriculture ’ ( Gladkov : 1975 , p. 11 ) .
9 Such classificatory techniques and use of social binaries seem all too obvious in police practice and undoubtedly enhance ideological barriers and present further opportunities for the powerful to encourage their agents in the police to pursue bigotry and authoritarian measures in their contests with the dispossessed .
10 Firms can choose to concentrate their resources in a few countries and emphasise exports to other markets , or they can disperse their resources and emphasise FDI .
11 The theory of the second-best says that it is allocatively more efficient to spread inevitable distortions thinly over many markets than to concentrate their effects in a few markets .
12 They are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
13 I like to know which players in the premier league you would pick to form a 18 men squad if you were manager of a new team .
14 ‘ Marsco emphasises his own side in this way , sending two lords back to secure their fiefs in the middle of a council .
15 Under the captaincy of Tom Ingledew , the Hopewell had returned late , but safely , the first autumn of their occupancy of Everhope , laden with goods , with candles , skillets , nails , lace shirts , hats , hammers and other necessities of civilisation ( but no shoes , unfortunately ) , as well as several more of their countrymen willing to try their fortunes in the Americas .
16 They said that car owners have an inherent right to repair their cars in the most economical way possible and , for that purpose , are to have access to a free market in spare parts .
17 They held a series of seminars and workshops to indoctrinate their members in the newly defined ways of fair trading from which they should not stray .
18 Streamlined jockey Michael Roberts gave Lyric Fantasy the chance to find her feet in the early stages , but a sudden surge of speed at the furlong marker clinched the money .
19 He admitted last night : ‘ I ca n't wait for the players to find their feet in the Premier League . ’
20 The obvious advantage is that they provide sack-loads of fun and laughter , and the disadvantage is that you sometimes have to wait three hours for them to find their boots in the morning and finish flossing their teeth .
21 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
22 He had provided the foundations for the strategic and tactical mobility that enabled the small regular Army to meet its commitments in the mid-1960s — but only just .
23 The resistance would have to be disarmed too , but documents said to have been captured from the Khmers Rouges give details of plans to hide their troops in the jungle .
24 By early habit she was a countrywoman , she could orientate herself by barely visible bulks and air currents and scents in the night , and she was not afraid to trust her feet in the irregularities of an unknown path .
25 It is possible for a contracting party to modify its obligations in a number of different ways .
26 Caxton House and Guinness Mahon 's City offices saw frantic activity as existing investors were begged over the phone to increase their contributions in a desperate bid to bridge the gap .
27 A scrip alternative , if offered to ordinary shareholders , will enable them to increase their shareholdings in the Company without incurring dealing costs and , to the extent that ordinary shareholders elect to take new ordinary shares instead of cash , there will be enhanced cash flow and increased liquidity to the Company .
28 The ethologists , some of whom prefer to call themselves socio-biologists , endeavour to observe their subjects in the wild , in circumstances where the gadgetry of scientific apparatus will have only minimal consequences for what is going on .
29 In a speech on Sept. 27 , he had appeared to encourage his supporters in the teeming shanty town areas of Port-au-Prince to rectify gross social inequalities by rising up and killing their opponents with " necklaces " of flaming tyres , known locally as " Pères Lebruns " after the country 's main tyre importing firm .
30 The exercise went far to establish his credentials in the right quarters .
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